The last night of Big Brother for 2013. What a controversial season it has been. Honestly, I don't care who wins. I don't care for anyone in the final three. I actually grew to dislike pretty much everyone this season. I think Judd has a good shot at the fan favorite vote, and I'm okay with that. I like Judd.
I don't agree that the exterminators were the ones who got Aaryn out of the house. They are pretty full of themselves if they think that. Amanda was still in the house at that point. Amanda called the shots until the day she got kicked out. Nice try, exterminators.
I think GinaMarie became a more likeable person when all of the girls were out of the house. I think she is one of those girls who doesn't get along well with other girls. I could ALMOST root for her...until I remember how she treated Candice. How she and Aaryn treated Candice. GinaMarie can be as much of a bully as Amanda. So I can't root for GinaMarie.
Hard to know how the jury will vote. If Andy makes it to the final two, will they reward him or punish him for backstabbing several of them? It appears that a few in the jury think he's a good player. I think he was lucky. He rode on McCranda's coattails for most of the summer. He calls himself an exterminator. I call him an informant. It's a fancy synonym for tattletale.
Enjoy the show BB'ers!
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