I'm sad, but I can't say I'm completely surprised. The prosecution did not do its job, plain and simple. I knew he wouldn't get second degree murder, but I thought manslaughter was a possibility. Instead, George Zimmerman goes home a free man. And Trayvon Martin's parents go back to a life of no justice for their son.
It all boils down to reasonable doubt. It doesn't matter that Zimmerman profiled and followed Trayvon. It doesn't matter that he defied what the police told him to do. It doesn't matter that his statements were inconsistent. What matters is that those six jurors could not find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, based on the testimony and evidence presented. Period.
As I said earlier, I think Trayvon's parents will bring a civil suit against Zimmerman, and I think they have a chance at a better outcome. But it just doesn't seem fair to me that a 17 year old kid is gunned down walking home from a convenience store, and no one is held responsible. It doesn't make sense.
And to everyone who says this case isn't about race...even the Florida officials and the prosecutors who said that in the press conference last night...I have to say, as respectfully I can...that is bunk. Absolute bunk. Listen to the 911 tapes, to Zimmerman's own words: "He looks like he's up to no good...he looks like he's on drugs or something..." He was a 17 year old kid with skittles in his pocket! But he was also a black kid wearing a hoodie, walking in a predominantly white neighborhood. And that was enough to justify killing him. I'm sorry, I don't think a small scratch on the back of someone's head (that happened to bleed a lot) is justification for shooting someone through the heart. Zimmerman is claiming self defense; what about Travyon's right to self-defense? Who was following whom that night? Who was the one acting suspicious?
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised at all, considering a Florida jury also acquitted Casey Anthony...
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