Friday, July 12, 2013

Big Brother July 11th

Well, color me stupid.

Did I miss something? Did everyone else watching know THAT was going to happen?

The Moving Company is a sorry excuse for an alliance. They couldn't even stay together two weeks! McCrae said something like, "I split with the Moving Company to further my own game." What?! How is an alliance of six or seven weaker than an alliance of two...him and his showmance. Well, I guess he's right, since so much of the alliance bailed at the second opportunity.

Spencer is running the game? I didn't get that. Again, am I clueless? Did all the other viewers already know that?

I wasn't hugely invested in who went home. I like Helen, but I don't have strong feelings for or against Elissa or Nick. I'm rooting for people like Helen and Andy because they're the underdogs, and because they've been marginalized by the evil clique in the house. I'm SO glad Helen won HOH.

I just don't understand why they kept Elissa. There's a good chance that she'll win MVP again next week, and since her biggest ally is HOH, they'll be able to put up three people that they really want out of the house. Or put up two people and a pawn, and then try to backdoor a big threat. I shouldn't make predictions after my Elissa leaving debacle, but I think we all know Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, and Jeremy are all strong possibilities for nomination.


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