Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Brother July 10

Good job, Candice, for figuring out that there's a guy alliance. The problem is, most of the guys in the house are in the alliance. Even ones who act like they aren't, aka Howard. And the guys who aren't in the alliance, aka Andy, aren't threats that you want out of the house.

Elissa recognizes that Jeremy is the biggest threat, and kudos to her for trying to get him out. But unfortunately that will be impossible for awhile. The Moving Company thinks he's one of them, and he's got Aaryn, GinaMaria, and of course Kaitlin on his side as well, so he's indestructible for now.

She should realize that Nick is in the alliance as well, but really, she couldn't do much more than pick a guy and hope for the best. I'm afraid Elissa doesn't have a chance in hell of staying. Her biggest ally is on the block with her, so neither one of them can vote. Its a no-brainer that Aaryn, Jeremy, and the evil majority are out to get her. So who does she have? Candice. Maybe Andy. And she probably thinks she has Howard, but she doesn't. Anything can happen on BB, but I feel certain this elimination will not be a shocker.

The next question is, if and when Elissa goes, who will America choose to be the next MVP? Candice maybe? Helen?


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