Yep, I'm really late on this write-up, so it will probably be pretty short.
I was fine with four of the bottom six this week. I don't understand why Jenna keeps winding up there, and Alan. I was fine with Mariah and Blu-Print leaving this week.
This week I felt like some of the routines lacked the energy that was promised in the rehearsal footage, especially Nico and Alexis' jive, and Mariah and Blu-Print's jazz number. Both of those dances suffered from an abundance of tricks that interrupted the flow of the dances, and the timing of the dancers. I thought the jive was especially rough, and Nigel and Mary were too easy on Nico and Alexis.
In contrast, i thought Amy and Fik-shun's jazz, and Makenzie and Paul's hip hop were two routines that were successful. Tice's jazz number included just enough tricks to make the dance fun and exciting, but didn't detract from the flow and timing. Dave Scott's hip hop number was hot, sexy, and had great energy.
I also enjoyed the two contemporary numbers: Jenna and Tucker's Travis Wall piece, and Hayley and Curtis' piece by Dee Caspary. Bravo to Hayley for overcoming her fear of heights to dance that number! Ladders are scary!
Normally I would feel sorry for the poor pair that is dealt the dreaded quickstep. But no lamenting needed for Jasmine and Aaron, 'cause they kicked that quickstep's booty! It was a great dance to show off tapper Aaron's personality and the much-admired legs of contemporary dancer Jasmine. They did a great job on a very tough dance.
One more point: The dancers have to step it up on their solos! Makenzie was the only one who really looked like she was dancing for her life. Alan's music was exciting and the cape work was cool, but he needed to do more. The other three were pretty blah in my opinion. The dancers have to pull out all the stops and show the judges they deserve to stay on the show.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Big Brother 7/27/13
It was a good week on Big Brother for me. The evil trio of Aaryn, GinaMarie, and Kaitlin ended up on the block together. Oh happy day! Unfortunately, the least evil of the three went home. And the most evil won HOH. UGH!! Not much else to say. I predict that Aaryn will nominate Elissa, and maybe Candice or Howard. That is, if she sticks to her supposed agreement with Helen. I haven't watched any of the live feed this week, so I don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
I hate to say it, but I do feel a little sorry for Jeremy at this point. He might be arrogant as hell, but I think he really does like Kaitlin. And maybe she was just being coy, but when she was talking to Julie, it sure sounded like she is way less into Jeremy than he is into her. I guess we'll find out at the finale...maybe.
I hate to say it, but I do feel a little sorry for Jeremy at this point. He might be arrogant as hell, but I think he really does like Kaitlin. And maybe she was just being coy, but when she was talking to Julie, it sure sounded like she is way less into Jeremy than he is into her. I guess we'll find out at the finale...maybe.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Cory Monteith's toxicology report
Cory died from a lethal mix of heroin and alcohol.
I'm so mad. I AM SO MAD. Not at Cory. He was an addict. He did what addicts do. Okay, maybe I am mad at Cory. Because he knew he was an addict, but he did things that addicts should not do. He lived with people who drank and had parties (this was several years ago.) He went to two clubs the night he died. He was around people who were drinking in the days before he died. He put himself in situations where he was around alcohol (and evidently drugs). Surrounding himself with his poisons, just months after getting out of rehab.
So yes, I'm mad at Cory, even though I shouldn't be. But I'm even more mad at the drugs. Drugs have stolen another young, talented, beautiful young man. Cory was an actor, a singer, and a musician. He also used his celebrity to make the lives of others better through non-profit organizations. He was involved in three projects in addition to Glee when he died. He was busy, he was productive, he was doing great things with his life.
Drugs took all of that away. Drugs ended what could have been decades of professional accomplishment and the personal enrichment of helping others. Drugs snatched the opportunity for Cory to marry his love and maybe raise a family. And now he'll be remembered in the annals of entertainment history as another actor dead from drugs. Just another young talent gone too soon.
The media has already moved on to the next headline.
I'm so mad. I AM SO MAD. Not at Cory. He was an addict. He did what addicts do. Okay, maybe I am mad at Cory. Because he knew he was an addict, but he did things that addicts should not do. He lived with people who drank and had parties (this was several years ago.) He went to two clubs the night he died. He was around people who were drinking in the days before he died. He put himself in situations where he was around alcohol (and evidently drugs). Surrounding himself with his poisons, just months after getting out of rehab.
So yes, I'm mad at Cory, even though I shouldn't be. But I'm even more mad at the drugs. Drugs have stolen another young, talented, beautiful young man. Cory was an actor, a singer, and a musician. He also used his celebrity to make the lives of others better through non-profit organizations. He was involved in three projects in addition to Glee when he died. He was busy, he was productive, he was doing great things with his life.
Drugs took all of that away. Drugs ended what could have been decades of professional accomplishment and the personal enrichment of helping others. Drugs snatched the opportunity for Cory to marry his love and maybe raise a family. And now he'll be remembered in the annals of entertainment history as another actor dead from drugs. Just another young talent gone too soon.
The media has already moved on to the next headline.
Big Brother July 14th and 17th
"I am sincere in my apology to Candice to the point that she needs to know that she took my comment wrong."
That was, of course, Aaryn's "apology" to Candice on Sunday night's show. And by "apology," I mean "accusation." That is not an apology, even though the word apology is in the sentence. So is the word sincere. Aaryn evidently doesn't know the meaning of either one.
I am very pleased with the three nominees, and I will celebrate when any one of them walks out the door tonight. The only way I would be happier would be if it was the evil trio up there: Aaryn, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie.
I hope its either Jeremy or Aaryn that goes, but I have no love for Spencer either. Actually, I do like Howard, so I'm glad Elissa didn't put him on the block. I know he lied and denied and all that, but I believe he's a stand up guy. He took the high road when Aaryn and GinaMaria were bullying Candice, and helped Candice do the same. I think Howard prevented a physical altercation between GinaMarie and Candice. And even though GinaMaria started it by getting in Candice's face, they both could have been ejected, depending on what transpired.
That was, of course, Aaryn's "apology" to Candice on Sunday night's show. And by "apology," I mean "accusation." That is not an apology, even though the word apology is in the sentence. So is the word sincere. Aaryn evidently doesn't know the meaning of either one.
I am very pleased with the three nominees, and I will celebrate when any one of them walks out the door tonight. The only way I would be happier would be if it was the evil trio up there: Aaryn, Kaitlin, and GinaMarie.
I hope its either Jeremy or Aaryn that goes, but I have no love for Spencer either. Actually, I do like Howard, so I'm glad Elissa didn't put him on the block. I know he lied and denied and all that, but I believe he's a stand up guy. He took the high road when Aaryn and GinaMaria were bullying Candice, and helped Candice do the same. I think Howard prevented a physical altercation between GinaMarie and Candice. And even though GinaMaria started it by getting in Candice's face, they both could have been ejected, depending on what transpired.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Cory Monteith
A very sad day for Glee fans. I read the news on Facebook. The comment I want to make is that if drugs are what killed him, I don't think you can paint him as another Hollywood star who died of excess. Cory Monteith was an addict before he became a star. If anything, I think becoming an actor kept him alive. He found his purpose in life; he found what he was good at. Before that, he was floundering in life. He had no direction.
Of course dead is still dead. Maybe my point doesn't matter. But I think maybe we can find some sense of peace in this tragedy if we have the mindset that Cory "made it" to the age of 31, instead of focusing on the fact that "he only lived to be" the age of 31. Dead at 31 is still senselessly young. But at least he left a legacy of fans of all ages. And his scenes with Chris Colfer as Kurt and Finn travelled their journey from victim / reluctant bully to loving, accepting stepbrothers was groundbreaking, riveting television.
Cory knew he was lucky to be alive, and he was grateful for the opportunities afforded him. He donated his time and lent his name to non-profit organizations, and he worked as both an actor and singer/musician in multiple endeavors. Maybe the stress of so many projects is what caused him to relapse. I just think it speaks of his character that he wanted to do so much with his life, and that he did try to beat his addiction.
Glee won't be the same without him.
Of course dead is still dead. Maybe my point doesn't matter. But I think maybe we can find some sense of peace in this tragedy if we have the mindset that Cory "made it" to the age of 31, instead of focusing on the fact that "he only lived to be" the age of 31. Dead at 31 is still senselessly young. But at least he left a legacy of fans of all ages. And his scenes with Chris Colfer as Kurt and Finn travelled their journey from victim / reluctant bully to loving, accepting stepbrothers was groundbreaking, riveting television.
Cory knew he was lucky to be alive, and he was grateful for the opportunities afforded him. He donated his time and lent his name to non-profit organizations, and he worked as both an actor and singer/musician in multiple endeavors. Maybe the stress of so many projects is what caused him to relapse. I just think it speaks of his character that he wanted to do so much with his life, and that he did try to beat his addiction.
Glee won't be the same without him.
The Zimmerman verdict
I'm sad, but I can't say I'm completely surprised. The prosecution did not do its job, plain and simple. I knew he wouldn't get second degree murder, but I thought manslaughter was a possibility. Instead, George Zimmerman goes home a free man. And Trayvon Martin's parents go back to a life of no justice for their son.
It all boils down to reasonable doubt. It doesn't matter that Zimmerman profiled and followed Trayvon. It doesn't matter that he defied what the police told him to do. It doesn't matter that his statements were inconsistent. What matters is that those six jurors could not find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, based on the testimony and evidence presented. Period.
As I said earlier, I think Trayvon's parents will bring a civil suit against Zimmerman, and I think they have a chance at a better outcome. But it just doesn't seem fair to me that a 17 year old kid is gunned down walking home from a convenience store, and no one is held responsible. It doesn't make sense.
And to everyone who says this case isn't about race...even the Florida officials and the prosecutors who said that in the press conference last night...I have to say, as respectfully I can...that is bunk. Absolute bunk. Listen to the 911 tapes, to Zimmerman's own words: "He looks like he's up to no good...he looks like he's on drugs or something..." He was a 17 year old kid with skittles in his pocket! But he was also a black kid wearing a hoodie, walking in a predominantly white neighborhood. And that was enough to justify killing him. I'm sorry, I don't think a small scratch on the back of someone's head (that happened to bleed a lot) is justification for shooting someone through the heart. Zimmerman is claiming self defense; what about Travyon's right to self-defense? Who was following whom that night? Who was the one acting suspicious?
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised at all, considering a Florida jury also acquitted Casey Anthony...
It all boils down to reasonable doubt. It doesn't matter that Zimmerman profiled and followed Trayvon. It doesn't matter that he defied what the police told him to do. It doesn't matter that his statements were inconsistent. What matters is that those six jurors could not find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, based on the testimony and evidence presented. Period.
As I said earlier, I think Trayvon's parents will bring a civil suit against Zimmerman, and I think they have a chance at a better outcome. But it just doesn't seem fair to me that a 17 year old kid is gunned down walking home from a convenience store, and no one is held responsible. It doesn't make sense.
And to everyone who says this case isn't about race...even the Florida officials and the prosecutors who said that in the press conference last night...I have to say, as respectfully I can...that is bunk. Absolute bunk. Listen to the 911 tapes, to Zimmerman's own words: "He looks like he's up to no good...he looks like he's on drugs or something..." He was a 17 year old kid with skittles in his pocket! But he was also a black kid wearing a hoodie, walking in a predominantly white neighborhood. And that was enough to justify killing him. I'm sorry, I don't think a small scratch on the back of someone's head (that happened to bleed a lot) is justification for shooting someone through the heart. Zimmerman is claiming self defense; what about Travyon's right to self-defense? Who was following whom that night? Who was the one acting suspicious?
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised at all, considering a Florida jury also acquitted Casey Anthony...
Friday, July 12, 2013
Big Brother July 11th
Well, color me stupid.
Did I miss something? Did everyone else watching know THAT was going to happen?
The Moving Company is a sorry excuse for an alliance. They couldn't even stay together two weeks! McCrae said something like, "I split with the Moving Company to further my own game." What?! How is an alliance of six or seven weaker than an alliance of two...him and his showmance. Well, I guess he's right, since so much of the alliance bailed at the second opportunity.
Spencer is running the game? I didn't get that. Again, am I clueless? Did all the other viewers already know that?
I wasn't hugely invested in who went home. I like Helen, but I don't have strong feelings for or against Elissa or Nick. I'm rooting for people like Helen and Andy because they're the underdogs, and because they've been marginalized by the evil clique in the house. I'm SO glad Helen won HOH.
I just don't understand why they kept Elissa. There's a good chance that she'll win MVP again next week, and since her biggest ally is HOH, they'll be able to put up three people that they really want out of the house. Or put up two people and a pawn, and then try to backdoor a big threat. I shouldn't make predictions after my Elissa leaving debacle, but I think we all know Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, and Jeremy are all strong possibilities for nomination.
Did I miss something? Did everyone else watching know THAT was going to happen?
The Moving Company is a sorry excuse for an alliance. They couldn't even stay together two weeks! McCrae said something like, "I split with the Moving Company to further my own game." What?! How is an alliance of six or seven weaker than an alliance of two...him and his showmance. Well, I guess he's right, since so much of the alliance bailed at the second opportunity.
Spencer is running the game? I didn't get that. Again, am I clueless? Did all the other viewers already know that?
I wasn't hugely invested in who went home. I like Helen, but I don't have strong feelings for or against Elissa or Nick. I'm rooting for people like Helen and Andy because they're the underdogs, and because they've been marginalized by the evil clique in the house. I'm SO glad Helen won HOH.
I just don't understand why they kept Elissa. There's a good chance that she'll win MVP again next week, and since her biggest ally is HOH, they'll be able to put up three people that they really want out of the house. Or put up two people and a pawn, and then try to backdoor a big threat. I shouldn't make predictions after my Elissa leaving debacle, but I think we all know Aaryn, Kaitlin, GinaMarie, and Jeremy are all strong possibilities for nomination.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Big Brother July 10
Good job, Candice, for figuring out that there's a guy alliance. The problem is, most of the guys in the house are in the alliance. Even ones who act like they aren't, aka Howard. And the guys who aren't in the alliance, aka Andy, aren't threats that you want out of the house.
Elissa recognizes that Jeremy is the biggest threat, and kudos to her for trying to get him out. But unfortunately that will be impossible for awhile. The Moving Company thinks he's one of them, and he's got Aaryn, GinaMaria, and of course Kaitlin on his side as well, so he's indestructible for now.
She should realize that Nick is in the alliance as well, but really, she couldn't do much more than pick a guy and hope for the best. I'm afraid Elissa doesn't have a chance in hell of staying. Her biggest ally is on the block with her, so neither one of them can vote. Its a no-brainer that Aaryn, Jeremy, and the evil majority are out to get her. So who does she have? Candice. Maybe Andy. And she probably thinks she has Howard, but she doesn't. Anything can happen on BB, but I feel certain this elimination will not be a shocker.
The next question is, if and when Elissa goes, who will America choose to be the next MVP? Candice maybe? Helen?
Elissa recognizes that Jeremy is the biggest threat, and kudos to her for trying to get him out. But unfortunately that will be impossible for awhile. The Moving Company thinks he's one of them, and he's got Aaryn, GinaMaria, and of course Kaitlin on his side as well, so he's indestructible for now.
She should realize that Nick is in the alliance as well, but really, she couldn't do much more than pick a guy and hope for the best. I'm afraid Elissa doesn't have a chance in hell of staying. Her biggest ally is on the block with her, so neither one of them can vote. Its a no-brainer that Aaryn, Jeremy, and the evil majority are out to get her. So who does she have? Candice. Maybe Andy. And she probably thinks she has Howard, but she doesn't. Anything can happen on BB, but I feel certain this elimination will not be a shocker.
The next question is, if and when Elissa goes, who will America choose to be the next MVP? Candice maybe? Helen?
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance July 9th
Not happy with the results. Why is Alexis still in the competition? She's okay, but when it was a choice between Jasmine M., Jenna, and Alexis, I definitely would have sent Alexis home. But then again, I'm not a judge and I'm not a choreographer. And we all know how much Nigel loves his tappers.
Why were Jasmine M. and Jenna in the bottom three to begin with? What show are you watching, America? They are both fantastic! I know I shouldn't complain; I'm not voting. And I really like most of the girls this season, so it is a hard choice. But Jasmine M. gone...really? I can't stop thinking about that blindfolded routine. Sheer brilliance.
The dances last night were mostly just okay for me. It was nice to see some new choreographers on the show. My favorites were Amy and Fik-shun's paso, and Jenna and Tucker's jazzy hip hop. I love Jean-Marc Généreux's choreography, and I liked the Samba, even though Curtis struggled with it.
I just adore Fik-shun and Amy. They are rapidly becoming a super couple for me, a la Joshua and Katee, and Benji and Donyelle. Fik-shun reminds me of Joshua; I think he's going to be another street dancer that's good at everything. And I just love his personality. When he's listening to the post-dance critiques, his face is so expressive. He's got such a cute smile and his eyes twinkle. I think I have a little Fik-shun crush. :)
Jasmine H. and Aaron are another power couple. I enjoyed their routine as well. Jasmine is a definite contender to win it all. Her legs should be insured for a high price. I think Aaron is good, but Jasmine is better. She is the one who makes their duo so dynamic. If he makes it to the top 10, I don't know if he will do as well with a different partner. We shall see.
I was sorry to see Jade leave the competition. I think both he and Blu-print are equally good at animation, but I agree with the judges: Blu-print needs more personality when he performs. Jade has that personality. He has a very expressive face like Fik-shun. If Jade and Blu-print had been in the bottom three together, I would have voted out Blu-print.
Final comments: Paula Abdul didn't drive me crazy! She was a little spacey on her first critique, and I did get squeamish when she mauled Nigel (I guess she heard the accent and thought he was Simon.) But otherwise I thought her comments were on point and she was able to deliver them without stammering and acting like she was medicated. Erin Andrews was charming and funny. She reminded me of Christina Applegate.
Why were Jasmine M. and Jenna in the bottom three to begin with? What show are you watching, America? They are both fantastic! I know I shouldn't complain; I'm not voting. And I really like most of the girls this season, so it is a hard choice. But Jasmine M. gone...really? I can't stop thinking about that blindfolded routine. Sheer brilliance.
The dances last night were mostly just okay for me. It was nice to see some new choreographers on the show. My favorites were Amy and Fik-shun's paso, and Jenna and Tucker's jazzy hip hop. I love Jean-Marc Généreux's choreography, and I liked the Samba, even though Curtis struggled with it.
I just adore Fik-shun and Amy. They are rapidly becoming a super couple for me, a la Joshua and Katee, and Benji and Donyelle. Fik-shun reminds me of Joshua; I think he's going to be another street dancer that's good at everything. And I just love his personality. When he's listening to the post-dance critiques, his face is so expressive. He's got such a cute smile and his eyes twinkle. I think I have a little Fik-shun crush. :)
Jasmine H. and Aaron are another power couple. I enjoyed their routine as well. Jasmine is a definite contender to win it all. Her legs should be insured for a high price. I think Aaron is good, but Jasmine is better. She is the one who makes their duo so dynamic. If he makes it to the top 10, I don't know if he will do as well with a different partner. We shall see.
I was sorry to see Jade leave the competition. I think both he and Blu-print are equally good at animation, but I agree with the judges: Blu-print needs more personality when he performs. Jade has that personality. He has a very expressive face like Fik-shun. If Jade and Blu-print had been in the bottom three together, I would have voted out Blu-print.
Final comments: Paula Abdul didn't drive me crazy! She was a little spacey on her first critique, and I did get squeamish when she mauled Nigel (I guess she heard the accent and thought he was Simon.) But otherwise I thought her comments were on point and she was able to deliver them without stammering and acting like she was medicated. Erin Andrews was charming and funny. She reminded me of Christina Applegate.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Big Brother Season 15
I was happy to see that Big Brother finally showed the footage of Aaryn making her racist and homophobic comments.
I was sad to see Jeremy and Aaryn win the challenge. It was smart of Jeremy to let Aaryn take the HOH so he can compete for it next week. Jeremy is the biggest threat in the house in my opinion. He's very good at challenges, and he will try to win at all costs.
No surprise on the nominations.
LOVED Andy's comments last night!!
"I'm keeping my friends close and my Aaryns closer."
" often is it that you get to see baby pictures of the devil?"
I was sad to see Jeremy and Aaryn win the challenge. It was smart of Jeremy to let Aaryn take the HOH so he can compete for it next week. Jeremy is the biggest threat in the house in my opinion. He's very good at challenges, and he will try to win at all costs.
No surprise on the nominations.
LOVED Andy's comments last night!!
"I'm keeping my friends close and my Aaryns closer."
" often is it that you get to see baby pictures of the devil?"
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Big Brother Update
That didn't take long.
Aaryn has been fired by her modeling agency.
Aaryn has been fired by her modeling agency.
Racism, Homophobia, Sexism on Big Brother
The 15th season of CBS' "Big Brother" kicked off just one week ago, and evidently, that's more than enough time to kick off some controversy.
As the new houseguests settled in to their summer home and started bonding with their fellow players, some of them have shown their less-than-TV-friendly sides.
In fact, the worst of the behavior -- which has included undeniably racist, sexist and homophobic remarks -- hasn't even made it to the small screen at all. Instead, live-feed viewers, who pay a subscription to see the events in the house as they happen on the "Big Brother" website, watched the action and uploaded the evidence to YouTube (the clips have since been removed "due to copyright claim by Endemol USA Inc," the production company behind "Big Brother").
The offenses include frequent use of the N-word and gay slurs by more than one contestant and much more. Some of the most shocking comments so far have come from what's shaping up to be this season's "Mean Girls" clique, made up of Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman.
Both Gries and Zimmerman slammed Korean-American housemate Helen Kim behind her back, each saying she should serve them some rice, with Zimmerman adding, "I'm gonna punch her in the face. I'm, like, 'Oh, maybe it'll make her eyes straight."
The two have also bashed African-American contestant Candice Stewart, accusing her of letting her "blackness show." Gries went so far as to warn her in-game ally to watch what she says in the dark because she "might not be able to see the b----."
Various slams from Kaitlin Barnaby, Jeremy McGuire, David Girton and Spencer Clawson have been somewhat less frequent, but just as upsetting to those watching the feeds. But why haven't TV viewers seen or heard any of it?
That's what some fans -- and at least one past contestant -- are asking.
Former "Big Brother" player Ragan Fox, who was part of the season 12 cast, posted an open letter to the production team on his blog.
"Houseguests GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlin referred to historically marginalized players as 'tokens,'" Fox wrote. "Sadly, they aren’t too far off in their assessment. Characters like Andy (Herren), Candice, Howard (Overby), and Helen are reduced to mere tokens when production fails to include micro-aggressions that they have to endure on a day-to-day basis. What’s the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production’s going to edit out the racism, ethnic discrimination, and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house?"
Fox went on to explain why he thinks it's so important for CBS to air the offensive footage.
Aaryn Gries. "'Big Brother,' I LOVE you, but, if you really want to provide a groundbreaking twist, SHOW CBS VIEWERS HOW SOME STRAIGHT, WHITE PEOPLE talk about gays, Asian Americans, and African Americans," he said. "Capitalize on the Paula Deen controversy! Hate speech is currently a hot topic in the United States. It would be irresponsible to punt on this issue. What makes Aaryn’s homophobia and racism especially insidious is that it comes packaged in a bright-eyed, pageant-like exterior. I mean, how can somebody so sweet looking spew so much venom? Viewers would have to SEE it to BELIEVE it."
Fans have even started a petition asking CBS to expel Gries, perceived by many to be the worst offender, from the house. Over 3,600 fans have signed it so far.
As for what, if any, action the network will take, that remains unclear. reached out to CBS for comment about the current controversy, but a statement from the network made no mention of changes.
“BIG BROTHER is a reality show about watching a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their lives," the statement read. "At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by several of the Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by a Houseguest appearing on BIG BROTHER, either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are those of the individual(s) speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program.”
During a 2010 interview, "Big Brother" executive producer Allison Grodner addressed past decisions not to air certain controversial and insensitive comments on the show.
"We always say that these are real people and they are not being censored in there," Grodner told Reality Blurred. "And they have opinions and so forth that we don’t necessarily agree with and condone and want to put out there further, to be honest. We really don’t want to put hateful things out there in our edits. And so for the most part, when this goes down, we keep that out of the show."
End of article
My take:
I absolutely agree with Ragan. If the contestants are saying and doing things, the public needs to know about it, and not just the people who watch the live feed. Especially this season, since the viewers are voting for a "player of the week." If all we see is a sanitized version of what's going on inside the house, our voting is going to be very different from the people who are also watching the live feed. I don't know what the percentage is of the tv viewers who also pay to view the live feed.
Aaryn has projected an image thus far (I haven't seen last night's show yet, by the way) of a fun-loving, competitive, yet seemingly harmless Texas girl, and I would have considered voting for her as a player of the week. Now that I know some of the things she has said, my perception of her has definitely changed.
I know reality tv often isn't very real, but the producers need to get real about this season of Big Brother. The people who watch the show need to see it all - the good, the bad, and the indifferent. And the contestants need to realize that anything they say or do has the potential to air on network television. They did sign a contract clearly stating that there would be cameras and microphones throughtout the house, correct?
The 15th season of CBS' "Big Brother" kicked off just one week ago, and evidently, that's more than enough time to kick off some controversy.
As the new houseguests settled in to their summer home and started bonding with their fellow players, some of them have shown their less-than-TV-friendly sides.
In fact, the worst of the behavior -- which has included undeniably racist, sexist and homophobic remarks -- hasn't even made it to the small screen at all. Instead, live-feed viewers, who pay a subscription to see the events in the house as they happen on the "Big Brother" website, watched the action and uploaded the evidence to YouTube (the clips have since been removed "due to copyright claim by Endemol USA Inc," the production company behind "Big Brother").
The offenses include frequent use of the N-word and gay slurs by more than one contestant and much more. Some of the most shocking comments so far have come from what's shaping up to be this season's "Mean Girls" clique, made up of Aaryn Gries and GinaMarie Zimmerman.
Both Gries and Zimmerman slammed Korean-American housemate Helen Kim behind her back, each saying she should serve them some rice, with Zimmerman adding, "I'm gonna punch her in the face. I'm, like, 'Oh, maybe it'll make her eyes straight."
The two have also bashed African-American contestant Candice Stewart, accusing her of letting her "blackness show." Gries went so far as to warn her in-game ally to watch what she says in the dark because she "might not be able to see the b----."
Various slams from Kaitlin Barnaby, Jeremy McGuire, David Girton and Spencer Clawson have been somewhat less frequent, but just as upsetting to those watching the feeds. But why haven't TV viewers seen or heard any of it?
That's what some fans -- and at least one past contestant -- are asking.
Former "Big Brother" player Ragan Fox, who was part of the season 12 cast, posted an open letter to the production team on his blog.
"Houseguests GinaMarie, Aaryn, and Kaitlin referred to historically marginalized players as 'tokens,'" Fox wrote. "Sadly, they aren’t too far off in their assessment. Characters like Andy (Herren), Candice, Howard (Overby), and Helen are reduced to mere tokens when production fails to include micro-aggressions that they have to endure on a day-to-day basis. What’s the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production’s going to edit out the racism, ethnic discrimination, and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house?"
Fox went on to explain why he thinks it's so important for CBS to air the offensive footage.
Aaryn Gries. "'Big Brother,' I LOVE you, but, if you really want to provide a groundbreaking twist, SHOW CBS VIEWERS HOW SOME STRAIGHT, WHITE PEOPLE talk about gays, Asian Americans, and African Americans," he said. "Capitalize on the Paula Deen controversy! Hate speech is currently a hot topic in the United States. It would be irresponsible to punt on this issue. What makes Aaryn’s homophobia and racism especially insidious is that it comes packaged in a bright-eyed, pageant-like exterior. I mean, how can somebody so sweet looking spew so much venom? Viewers would have to SEE it to BELIEVE it."
Fans have even started a petition asking CBS to expel Gries, perceived by many to be the worst offender, from the house. Over 3,600 fans have signed it so far.
As for what, if any, action the network will take, that remains unclear. reached out to CBS for comment about the current controversy, but a statement from the network made no mention of changes.
“BIG BROTHER is a reality show about watching a group of people who have no privacy 24/7 — and seeing every moment of their lives," the statement read. "At times, the Houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by several of the Houseguests on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by a Houseguest appearing on BIG BROTHER, either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are those of the individual(s) speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS or the producers of the program.”
During a 2010 interview, "Big Brother" executive producer Allison Grodner addressed past decisions not to air certain controversial and insensitive comments on the show.
"We always say that these are real people and they are not being censored in there," Grodner told Reality Blurred. "And they have opinions and so forth that we don’t necessarily agree with and condone and want to put out there further, to be honest. We really don’t want to put hateful things out there in our edits. And so for the most part, when this goes down, we keep that out of the show."
End of article
My take:
I absolutely agree with Ragan. If the contestants are saying and doing things, the public needs to know about it, and not just the people who watch the live feed. Especially this season, since the viewers are voting for a "player of the week." If all we see is a sanitized version of what's going on inside the house, our voting is going to be very different from the people who are also watching the live feed. I don't know what the percentage is of the tv viewers who also pay to view the live feed.
Aaryn has projected an image thus far (I haven't seen last night's show yet, by the way) of a fun-loving, competitive, yet seemingly harmless Texas girl, and I would have considered voting for her as a player of the week. Now that I know some of the things she has said, my perception of her has definitely changed.
I know reality tv often isn't very real, but the producers need to get real about this season of Big Brother. The people who watch the show need to see it all - the good, the bad, and the indifferent. And the contestants need to realize that anything they say or do has the potential to air on network television. They did sign a contract clearly stating that there would be cameras and microphones throughtout the house, correct?
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
SYTYCD Season 15 July 2, 2013
Really, dance fans?
Alan, Makenzie, and Brittany in the bottom this week?
I am very surprised.
My predictions would have been Mariah, Carlos, Alexis, and Nico. After that, I didn't know. So I was correct on two of the six.
In my opinion, the two strongest solos were performed by the dancers who got cut: Brittany and Carlos. Then Brittany danced a great routine with Blu Print. Of course I loved it - the setting was a library! And Carlos and Mariah took my breath away with their Stacey Tookey contemporary number. Sometimes a dance can really change your opinion of a dancer - or a couple.
No way in hell that Alan belonged in the bottom. There must have been some anomoly in his phone line or something. Makenzie was wonderful in her Viennese Waltz last week. I'm shaking my head.
Okay, I must move on. It's hard every week when the dancers leave. Some weeks are tougher than others.
My faves from tonight:
Jasmine H. and Aaron did it again! Tabitha and Napoleon put together a great routine. I loved the unique moves, and these two have chemistry out the wazoo. This number reminded me of the "cornflakes" dance that TWitch and Sasha danced two years ago.
Jasmine M. and Alan's Tango:
WOW! Mary was right, passion and physicality ignited this dance. Jasmine's dress was amazing. The lifts were beyond amazing. I was breathless by the end of this one. Spectacular.
Amy and Fik-shun's hip hop:
Nappy Tab's was 2 for 2 tonight! This is the most fun routine I've seen on the show in awhile. The choreography was hitting, the song fit perfectly, and Amy and Fik-shun were so into it. Fik-shun was in his element, and Amy kept up with him just fine. I'm still annoyed with Nigel pimping them, but he's right: their winning personalities in combination with their dance skills should keep them in the competition for a long time.
I also agreed with Nigel on Jenna and Tucker's dance. I liked it, and I think Dimitry is a very good choreographer, but it didn't have enough cha cha in it. The choreographers should not be "dumbing down" the routines. And I don't think Jenna and Tucker needed that. Definitely Jenna didn't. She's a ballroom girl. I think Tucker could have handled the hip action of the cha cha. It was fun to see him go from Broadway geek last week to latin lothario this week.
My prediction for the bottom six next week?
I really have no idea!
But here goes: Jade, Nico, Curtis, Malece, Hayley, and Alexis.
I'm not saying they deserve to be! I'm just making a prediction.
Alan, Makenzie, and Brittany in the bottom this week?
I am very surprised.
My predictions would have been Mariah, Carlos, Alexis, and Nico. After that, I didn't know. So I was correct on two of the six.
In my opinion, the two strongest solos were performed by the dancers who got cut: Brittany and Carlos. Then Brittany danced a great routine with Blu Print. Of course I loved it - the setting was a library! And Carlos and Mariah took my breath away with their Stacey Tookey contemporary number. Sometimes a dance can really change your opinion of a dancer - or a couple.
No way in hell that Alan belonged in the bottom. There must have been some anomoly in his phone line or something. Makenzie was wonderful in her Viennese Waltz last week. I'm shaking my head.
Okay, I must move on. It's hard every week when the dancers leave. Some weeks are tougher than others.
My faves from tonight:
Jasmine H. and Aaron did it again! Tabitha and Napoleon put together a great routine. I loved the unique moves, and these two have chemistry out the wazoo. This number reminded me of the "cornflakes" dance that TWitch and Sasha danced two years ago.
Jasmine M. and Alan's Tango:
WOW! Mary was right, passion and physicality ignited this dance. Jasmine's dress was amazing. The lifts were beyond amazing. I was breathless by the end of this one. Spectacular.
Amy and Fik-shun's hip hop:
Nappy Tab's was 2 for 2 tonight! This is the most fun routine I've seen on the show in awhile. The choreography was hitting, the song fit perfectly, and Amy and Fik-shun were so into it. Fik-shun was in his element, and Amy kept up with him just fine. I'm still annoyed with Nigel pimping them, but he's right: their winning personalities in combination with their dance skills should keep them in the competition for a long time.
I also agreed with Nigel on Jenna and Tucker's dance. I liked it, and I think Dimitry is a very good choreographer, but it didn't have enough cha cha in it. The choreographers should not be "dumbing down" the routines. And I don't think Jenna and Tucker needed that. Definitely Jenna didn't. She's a ballroom girl. I think Tucker could have handled the hip action of the cha cha. It was fun to see him go from Broadway geek last week to latin lothario this week.
My prediction for the bottom six next week?
I really have no idea!
But here goes: Jade, Nico, Curtis, Malece, Hayley, and Alexis.
I'm not saying they deserve to be! I'm just making a prediction.
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