Thursday, May 12, 2022

Survivor Final 6: My Thoughts (spoilers)

Oh what an episode!

Oh what a season!

People may think Survivor is repetitive and formulaic, but the contestants have the power to keep the show fresh and exciting, and this group is doing exactly that.

With the exception of Romeo, I think everyone deserves to still be in it, although Hai, Drea, and Roxroy deserve to be there too in my opinion. It's rare for me to like so many of the players in a season.

Lindsay is not one of my favorites, but I have mad respect for her competitive drive and ability to win challenges. I cheered when she picked the right box on Do or Die, even as my heart sank, knowing that meant Drea, my favorite from the beginning, was headed to jury. Oh Survivor, what you do to me!

It's an interesting season, because in my opinion two people deserve to win from an athletic point of view: Lindsay, and Jonathan, otherwise known as Goliath. Survivor has had some strong, physical players previously, but Jonathan has brought new meaning to the term prowess. It is glorious watching him perform these challenges. Although we have to remember that his strength alone does not win every challenge. And apparently, if the footage is true, Jonathan is not a strong social player. He talks down to the female contestants and acts high and mighty sometimes. 

So who at this stage is the most worthy of the title Sole Survivor of Season 42? In my opinion, that is Omar. Omar is running the game, and apparently none of the contestants see it. Mike thinks that he orchestrated Hai's ouster, but no, bro, that was Omar. Omar got Drea out by protecting Mike's idol so Drea couldn't take it. People trust Omar. They tell him things. They see him as an ally, not as a threat. And he uses all of that to his advantage. 

Omar reminds me of John Cochran, who only won one challenge in his second season, but played a brilliant social and strategic game, taking two people to the finale with him who had no shot at winning. He is one of my favorite players, but I don't want a similar situation this season. I hope the final four are Omar, Jonathan, Mike, and Lindsay. 

Who will win?
Too soon to tell.
There's a lot of game left.
Hang on for the ride Survivor fans!


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