Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thirty Day Writing Challenge: One Book You Loved, and One You Didn't

I don't read as much as I'd like to, and I don't read as much as some of my friends, but I am a pretty avid reader, and I enjoy it very much. I like fiction, non-fiction, biography, young adult, dystopian, and some science fiction.

I cannot pick a very favorite book. That would be too difficult. But I can mention one I didn't like. It is rare for me to give up on a book. I can usually power through it, even if I'm not totally enjoying it. But there is one book that I simply could not get through. No offense to the author, because she is wildly successful, although admittedly controversial. The book is Fifty Shades of Grey.

I'm not a prude. The sex scenes didn't make me stop reading. It was the dialogue. Especially the dialogue of the female lead character. I could not stand her stammering and indecision and self-consciousness. Nearly every page was filled with, " don't know..." At least that's the way I remember it. I tried to read it a number of years ago, and gave up. I don't recall what chapter I was on, and I don't care enough to go back and look.

I am NOT a literary snob. I don't read many classics. I'm fine with smut. One of my favorite books that I read last year was Tampa by Alissa Nutting. That is one of the dirtiest books I've ever read. But it was an interesting story. The book had flow. It wasn't filled with useless, plodding dialogue between the sex scenes.

I know a lot of people feel the way that I do about the Fifty Shades of Grey series.
But many people also adore the books.
Nothing wrong with that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

There are millions of books out there.
No need to waste your time plodding through something that you don't like.
Move on to another read.


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