Friday, March 16, 2018

"Be on Time Chronicles" 3/16/18

There is no way to put this delicately.
I almost missed my ride this morning because I had to take a dump.

Para-transit doesn't wait for anything.
Not for meetings that run long.
Not for fire drills at work.
Not for Mother Nature.

And if you miss your ride, you're not guaranteed another one.

I had to make a choice.
Risk an uncomfortable ride...
perhaps even a stomach emergency on the way...
or take of business.

Honestly, my gastrointestinal system decided for me.

Luckily it was a fairly quick process this morning.
But there were housekeeping duties to attend to, if you know what I mean.
And I am a religious hand washer, especially after THAT activity.

Luckily, it all worked out.
The bus WAS outside when I came out of the bathroom.
I don't know when it arrived.
But evidently I was within my five minute window.

My apologies if this post is TMI.
Just telling it like it is.
I am fortunate.
At least I have alternative sources for transportation.
But they all involve spending money...
extra time...
and relying on strangers...
which is always a gamble.
And no transportation is 100% reliable of course. 

I was groggy and shuffling when I first got up.
My eyes would barely stay open. 
Being faced with losing your ride to work and having to pay for alternate transportation wakes you up quick.
I grabbed my bag and moderately sprinted out the door.
Success! (in more than ways than one)


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