Friday, March 16, 2018

Season Finale of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars Season 3 - My Thoughts

For me, last night's finale Drag Race All Stars Season 3 can be summarized in two words:


The finale was right up there with other reality show disastrous reveals:
When Gretchen beat Mondo on "Project Runway."
When Kris Allen bested Adam Lambert on "American Idol."
When Josh won over Paul in "Big Brother."
and again when Marissa was crowned the winner of "Celebrity Big Brother" over Ross.

All painful memories.
Some more recent than others.

Just about everyone who watches a reality show picks a favorite and cheers for them.
So I know there are people out there celebrating this morning that Trixie is now in the Drag Race Hall of Fame.

But I also believe there were many more people cursing at their televisions (or tablets, computers, phones, etc) that Shangela was denied her rightful crown.

All season there have been two front runners on this show:
Shangela and Ben De La Creme (also known as Ben or De La)
Between them, they won the majority of the challenges.
Which meant that they also had the power to eliminate fellow queens from the competition.
And therein lies the problem.

If RuPaul had kept the power for herself, with the final four queens to choose from, I absolutely believe that Shangela would be waking up this morning with the crown and scepter.

But Ru allowed six bitter bitches to eliminate two of the four.
They denied Shangela the opportunity to compete in the final lip sync.
Which she would have slayed of course.

I love De La, but I don't have much sympathy for her.
She didn't win because she quit.
Her choice.
Shangela didn't quit.
She fought and worked until the very end.
She deserves the title.

Luckily, most of the contestants on Drag Race have huge fan bases, and build successful careers for themselves.
Shangela was a star before "All Stars," and a star she will continue to be.
If anything she could shine even brighter, because so many people will feel she was robbed.

Thorgy, Aja, Morgan, Chi Chi, Milk, even De La - y'all might need to be a little worried.
Bitter don't glitter.


"Be on Time Chronicles" 3/16/18

There is no way to put this delicately.
I almost missed my ride this morning because I had to take a dump.

Para-transit doesn't wait for anything.
Not for meetings that run long.
Not for fire drills at work.
Not for Mother Nature.

And if you miss your ride, you're not guaranteed another one.

I had to make a choice.
Risk an uncomfortable ride...
perhaps even a stomach emergency on the way...
or take of business.

Honestly, my gastrointestinal system decided for me.

Luckily it was a fairly quick process this morning.
But there were housekeeping duties to attend to, if you know what I mean.
And I am a religious hand washer, especially after THAT activity.

Luckily, it all worked out.
The bus WAS outside when I came out of the bathroom.
I don't know when it arrived.
But evidently I was within my five minute window.

My apologies if this post is TMI.
Just telling it like it is.
I am fortunate.
At least I have alternative sources for transportation.
But they all involve spending money...
extra time...
and relying on strangers...
which is always a gamble.
And no transportation is 100% reliable of course. 

I was groggy and shuffling when I first got up.
My eyes would barely stay open. 
Being faced with losing your ride to work and having to pay for alternate transportation wakes you up quick.
I grabbed my bag and moderately sprinted out the door.
Success! (in more than ways than one)


Thirty Day Writing Challenge: A Fruit You Dislike

This is an easy one.
No disrespect to the fruit itself, or to the people who relish it.
I cannot stand coconut.

Just the word makes me shudder.
It's in my top five most hated foods, sharing space with beets, liver, brussel sprouts, and stewed okra and tomatoes (fried okra is perfectly acceptable and I'm a big of fan of tomatoes, but not that slimy concoction that's created from combining the two)

I have never liked coconut, and at this point it's unlikely I ever will.
I would not make it as a contestant on Survivor, when about all you get to eat is coconut, white rice, and occasionally a morsel of fish, unless you win reward challenges.
Of course there are many other reasons why Survivor is not for me: running, diving, climbing, solving puzzles, sunburns, fear of storms, fear of bugs, sleeping outside, being on camera wearing a buff as a shirt / bra, no soap or toothpaste, blindsiding fellow tribe members, the list goes on and on.

I digress.

Coconut is good for you. The fruit is a nutritious source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It has tons of calcium, potassium, and magnesium, as well as plenty of electrolytes. (I googled it). Plus for people who cut their own coconut (mainly Survivor contestants I would think) getting the shell open is quite a workout. So for people who consume it - good for you! You're eating healthy. I'll be getting my calcium, potassium, and fiber from other sources. And I'll be finding another way to get some exercise.

Now, for the next question:
Is coconut a fruit? 
I sure hope so. 
Otherwise this post was a waste of time, and I have to choose another fruit. 
I can't think of another fruit I dislike more than coconut. 
So hopefully I'm right. 

Back to Google I go!
Okay, I'm in luck!
A coconut is considered a fruit, a nut, and a seed. 
Works for me! 

Still not eating it. Ever.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thirty Day Writing Challenge: Ageism

Well, obviously I'm against ageism.

My birthday was five days ago. I am 50 now. They used to say that your life is over at 50. The best years are behind you. But now many say that life begins at 50. I think a metamorphosis can occur when you turn 50. There can be a feeling of wanting to get your life balanced, and accomplish the goals you have for your life. That is the way I'm feeling. I feel like I've wasted a lot of my life being sick, afraid of failure, afraid of success, anxious about everything. Now is my time is my new mantra. Stop worrying and live my life.

Do what you enjoy, no matter what age you are. If you're over 50, but you love to roller skate, then roller skate. Don't stop doing it because you think it's an activity just for kids. Do what makes you happy, what keeps you fulfilled and loving life. Cross stitching. Hip hop dancing. Playing the piano. Skiing. Baking. Whatever.

And definitely continue to learn and try new things. That keeps you young: physically, mentally, and emotionally, and gets you excited about life every day. Learn a language. Play a new game. Seek out free classes on topics that interest you. Stay current with technology. Meet new people. Be as physically active as you can. Make taking care of you a top priority: mind, body, and spirit.

NEVER say to yourself:
I'm too old to do this.
I'm too old to learn how to do this.

Stay positive
Believe in your abilities
Don't procrastinate
Accomplish your goals - and then come up with new ones

It's a cliche, but it's true:
Age is only a number.

Look young.
Act young
Feel young


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thirty Day Writing Challenge: One Book You Loved, and One You Didn't

I don't read as much as I'd like to, and I don't read as much as some of my friends, but I am a pretty avid reader, and I enjoy it very much. I like fiction, non-fiction, biography, young adult, dystopian, and some science fiction.

I cannot pick a very favorite book. That would be too difficult. But I can mention one I didn't like. It is rare for me to give up on a book. I can usually power through it, even if I'm not totally enjoying it. But there is one book that I simply could not get through. No offense to the author, because she is wildly successful, although admittedly controversial. The book is Fifty Shades of Grey.

I'm not a prude. The sex scenes didn't make me stop reading. It was the dialogue. Especially the dialogue of the female lead character. I could not stand her stammering and indecision and self-consciousness. Nearly every page was filled with, " don't know..." At least that's the way I remember it. I tried to read it a number of years ago, and gave up. I don't recall what chapter I was on, and I don't care enough to go back and look.

I am NOT a literary snob. I don't read many classics. I'm fine with smut. One of my favorite books that I read last year was Tampa by Alissa Nutting. That is one of the dirtiest books I've ever read. But it was an interesting story. The book had flow. It wasn't filled with useless, plodding dialogue between the sex scenes.

I know a lot of people feel the way that I do about the Fifty Shades of Grey series.
But many people also adore the books.
Nothing wrong with that.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

There are millions of books out there.
No need to waste your time plodding through something that you don't like.
Move on to another read.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"Be on Time Chronicles" 3/13/18

Attitude isn't everything, but it is important. Attitude can have a big effect on how you deal with a situation. So can humor.

Last Thursday I was at the grocery store after work. I was tired. My ride was late. I had groceries to get into the refrigerator. I was irritated. I called, and was informed by ride would be there is about two minutes.

Luckily it was one of my favorite drivers. He is a nut. We have fun teasing each other. When I saw him, I blamed him for being late, even though we both know it's not his fault. It's the schedule. As I was getting in the vehicle, he said, "I have more bad news for you. We have another pickup."

On any other day, that statement would have made me even more upset than I already was. I live less than a mile from the grocery store. We hardly ever have to pick up someone else; I almost always get dropped off right away. The ride was already late, my groceries needed to get in the refrigerator, I wanted to go home!! But since I was riding with my favorite driver and we have so much fun together, my frustration ebbed away. Plus, I just decided: what can I do about the situation? Can I force him to take me home first? No. He has to follow his manifest. Can I pitch a fit so loud and forceful that he HAS to take me home first? Nope. Can I call Metro, demand to speak to a supervisor, and scream and yell until I get my way? Nada. The schedule is what it is. Occasionally, it can be altered, but not usually. The supervisor and the driver would have simply repeated the Metro Access mantra to me: "THIS IS A SHARED RIDE SERVICE." So what was the point of continuing to be upset?

So we traveled across the freeway and picked up a gentleman at the credit union on the west side of Parmer Lane. We arrived in less than five minutes. On the way, I was entertained with my driver's stories of his recent cruise to Jamaica. When the gentleman we were there for entered the van, I said, "You know, sir, that when you get picked up from a bank you need to have enough cash for everyone in the vehicle." Now, humor can be a very subjective thing. Not everyone "gets" funny. He could have become angry when I said that. Luckily, he had a sense of humor, and we all burst into laughter. He then said, "Next time I'll make my pickup from the KFC across the street." "That won't help you much," I retorted quickly. "Then you'll be expected to have a bucket of chicken for everyone."

I arrived home giggling and less tired than I was fifteen minutes earlier.
The power of humor.
And a positive attitude. 


30 Day Writing Challenge: Tattoos

I don't have any tattoos. Honestly, I'm not a fan of them. I think one or two small ones are okay. But I don't understand covering yourself in tattoos. I don't think most of them are attractive or appealing. Just my opinion.

Having said all that, I have entertained the idea of getting a tattoo, but not seriously. Sometimes I think of doing something that for me would be wild and crazy, but then the feeling passes. I never follow through.

If I did get a tattoo, it would likely be a butterfly. The problem is, I would want it to show of course, so people could see it, but I wouldn't want it to be prominent, or interfere with what I'm wearing. For example, I could get a small tattoo on my ankle, which might look cute when I'm dressed casually in capris pants or a summer dress. But I wouldn't necessarily want the tattoo to show if I was dressed for a wedding or work event. Maybe the tattoo could be covered up with make-up sometimes. I don't know.

Another problem is that I have a low tolerance for pain. I'm a wuss, a weanie. I don't think I could do it. Not even a small one.

So I'm not saying never. But I am saying probably not.
