Sunday, November 23, 2014

President Obama's Address

I'm not going to discuss President Obama's plan on immigration. What I want to talk about is the television networks deciding not to carry his address to the nation.
I think that's wrong. And I would say that no matter who is president. A presidential address to the nation should always be carried by the four major networks. Obviously I watch a lot of tv shows, and I was just as excited as anyone to watch the mid-season finales of Grey's Anatomy,  Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. I didn't want the shows to start late, which meant I would get to bed late.

But I think the leader of our nation should always take precedence over entertainment. Always.

It might be hard to believe, but there are people in this country who do not have access to cable news stations. There are people who do not have Internet access at home. Many, many people cannot afford a smartphone with a CNN or yahoo app.

When I said this to my mom,  she replied, "Well, it will be in the newspaper tomorrow. " My response: "Newspapers aren't free. Unless you read them at the library. But if you're working two and three jobs to make ends meet, when are you going to have time to go the library?"

Like it or not, television is the best medium for disseminating information to the people of our nation. Some apartment complexes offer basic cable as part of the rent. Maybe that would include CNN,  maybe not. But it would definitely include the local ABC,  CBS,  FOX, and NBC affiliates. They should have carried President Obama's address to the nation.


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