Spencer could potentially be the swing vote tonight. I feel certain that Judd and GinaMarie will vote to evict Andy. And if Amanda and McCrae figure out that Aaryn and Elissa were starting to work together, then they will vote to keep Andy. I really don't know how Spencer will vote. He has been wanting to work with Aaryn. Hopefully Aaron and Elissa can convince him to evict Andy.
Wait, did I just say that? Did I just write that I want Andy to go home over Aaryn? It's just because I want Amanda out so bad. I'm not rooting for Aaryn. I know Andy said he won't be loyal to McCranda anymore, but sorry, I'm not interested in what Andy says. He's not a key player in this game to me.
Amanda has become one of the most unlikeable people to play Big Brother. She's a huge bully, but then when she feels threatened she turns on the waterworks and becomes the biggest whiner. Aarghh! Please, fellow houseguests, please find a way to get her out next week. She is making the show painful to watch.
Unfortunately, because of football, Big Brother won't be on until after midnight. Sucks! I won't know until Friday afternoon what happens. I like the show, but not enough to get up an hour early to watch it. This means I'll have to stay off Twitter so I don't get spoiled. Facebook should be safe.
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