I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a few weeks.
I'm still enjoying the season. But I don't have a favorite. Not even close. In fact, until Judd came back into the house, I didn't like anyone. Elissa is okay, but she can get on my nerves. I'm a girlie girl, but Elissa is beyond a girlie girl. I sort of like McCrae, but unfortunately the fact that he is with Amanda keeps me from liking him as much as I would otherwise. I do appreciate the fact that he tries to keep her in line. But Amanda is so unbearable, so unlikable, that some of it rubs off on McCrae for me. I don't have any hope that their relationship will survive outside the house. For McCrae's sake, I hope it doesn't. It would be okay with me if McCrae wins, as long as he dumps Amanda in the process.
I do like Judd. Out of the four jurors, I was definitely rooting for either him or Jessie to make it back into the house.
After Amanda, my most disliked houseguest is...not who you would expect I imagine. That "honor" goes to...Andy! Andy is a tattletale. That is the only game he has. All he does is run to "McCranda" when anyone tells him anything. Why does he trust them so much? They are a couple. The best he's going to be able to do is third or fourth place, unless he can win HOH. Why is he settling for that? If he could help get Amanda out, he would be more on an even playing field I think. There would be no Queen Bee if Amanda was gone. Maybe Aaryn would take her crown, but I tend to think that having to be the evictioner (is that a word?) for Helen and Amanda has made her squeamish about doing the same thing to someone else. Aaryn definitely is in it to win it, but I don't think she wants to be a puppetmaster.
So we'll see what happens. Maybe Elissa can backdoor Amanda. If she doesn't go this week, I think it will probably be McCranda as the final two. *Shudder* I'm having an Amber / Boston Rob "Survivor" flashback.
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