Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quick thoughts on recent sci-fi shows

The finale was kind of "meh" for me...Seemed quite different from the other episodes, and if you didn't watch the never-aired part 1 that was only available on the Season 1 DVD, you would have been really confused. That being said, there were some standout moments for me. I was of course very happy that Pria and Anthony (Sierra and Victor) got their happy ending. I loved watching Adele evolve during the last few episodes into the caring human that deep down she always has been. Her scenes with Tofer were so gentle and motherly. And my darling, wonderful Tofer...I figured he would be the one to save the world, and that he would have to die to do it. Sigh. I loved wacky, brilliant, adorable Tofer. I also loved Anthony/Victor as the "Tofer doll." Man, he was GOOD! He had the manerisms, the voice tone and cadence, everything. Hilarious, and VERY impressive!

The episodes leading up the finale rocked my world! I so enjoyed all the twists and turns. I started watching soap operas at a very young age, and even though I enjoy them, I am almost always able to figure out the plot twists before they occurr. So its very exciting when any show can surprise me, and Dollhouse definitely did that.

I'm still in mourning for BSG. I did not like most of the BSG finale, but that's for another blog. I like Caprica so far. Its very different from BSG, but there's enough of a BSG influence to hook me. Its intriguing. And Eric Stoltz is one of my fave actors. I'm sure I'll have more to say later. I still want to go back and re-watch all of BSG. In my spare time, along with the 25 shows I'm currently watching. (Okay, I just counted on my fingers. I may have missed a few, but I counted 20 right now. And five shows that have been on hiatus will be returning in March and April, so soon it will actually be 25.) Yikes. :)

I'm a Lostie. I have all the DVD sets. I'm so obsessive, I take notes on the episodes. Do I love the show? YES. Do I understand the show? Not a bit. Do I "get" all the literature/biblical/scientific references? Heck no. Does it keep me from enjoying the show? Uh..uh-uh. :)

All that being said, I do get frustrated sometimes. I have given up on the show in seasons past, but I came back. This season didn't kick in for me until we saw Claire at the end of this week's episode. I mean, I thought the premiere was good, but I wasn't happy to be introduced to yet MORE characters, more others, and all the toggling back and forth between the plane not crashing and what was happening on the island...

I'm sad that its almost over. I'm going to miss the ride. But I think there are some people out there that will need professional help when this show ends; that is how "into it" they are. This may sound weird, but I don't care that much about how it ends. I'm actually not watching for the resolution, for the answers. I'm interested in the characters, what happens to everyone. I don't have expectations for the finale, and I certainly don't have any theories as to what's going on and what it all means. I just enjoy being surprised every week, even though many times I say, "What the heck?!" (Actually, I usually say "WTF?!") :)

Its very interesting that I have become so involved in sci fi. I was never a sci fi kid growing up. I was a "Little House on the Prairie" girl. Seriously! I wasn't even into fantasy, and I'm still not. I have not seen a single "Harry Potter" movie or read any of the books. But I do like a lot of science fiction - BSG, Babylon 5, and Star Trek especially. Its all because of my friends, beginning in undergrad and continuing through graduate school. They got me hooked.


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