"Vacation, all I ever wanted...
Vacation, had to get away...."
Yes, I am a child of the 80's. For the most part, a teenager of the 80's. And since our society recycles decades, the 80's have come back around anyway.
A vacation isn't all I ever wanted, and I didn't have to get away, but it does feel good to have a few days off and be in a different place. I am visiting the family. I'm very grateful that I have family to visit, and I am not unhappy to be here. A vacation of my dreams would be more like a lakehouse, or some kind of plush safari (no roughing it), but I am definitely not complaining about where I am and what I'll be doing in the next few days. I get to spend time with my precious nieces who are rapidly approaching teenager status (one of them is already there but she still likes me), I get to go shopping and hang out with my Mom (and fellow Claymate), and I get to spend time with friends that I don't get to see very often. I bet more shopping will be in order with them. There goes that tutor money I had saved up.
*off for lunch and probably a nap*
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