Sunday, September 10, 2023

Big Brother 9/7 Episode - Spoilers

Oh BB, how you toy with us Jag fans.

First you made us think Jag was going out on a unanimous vote when Cam was HOH.

Then you led us to believe the majority was going to flip and kick out Jag instead of Red when Jared was HOH.

But they didn't. 

Jag survived another week.


But this week - Cam is in power again, and everyone except Bowie Jane is waiting for the ax to fall.

My prediction: Cam will nominate Matt and Jared. But Izzy and Cirie are also strong possibilities. 

Cam had to watch his bromance partner walk out the door. He is out for revenge. 

I don't dislike Red. I think he was a good competitor. But he made a huge mistake when he believed Jared and didn't have a heart to heart with Cam. I don't believe Cam was throwing Red under the bus. He was simply telling Jared what J wanted to hear. He was playing the game.


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