Saturday, September 30, 2023


I attended Yom Kippur services virtually again this year. 

For the first time in quite awhile, I watched Kol Nidre services as well, plus Yizkor. This gave me the opportunity to hear three sermons, all of which were excellent and thought-provoking. 

When the rabbi began her speech about loneliness by showing a picture of Taylor Swift, the congregants (and me) giggled at first. But very quickly I understood the point she was making. Because during the pandemic I have been learning about loneliness and the effect it can have on our emotional and physical health. Taylor Swift is an incredibly famous celebrity. Thanks to her talent and hard work, the world is her oyster. She can afford to do just about anything. There is no doubt she has many friends. But because she is so famous, her life is restricted. She likely has to have bodyguards everywhere she goes. She can't go for a walk or catch a movie on a whim. Fans love her, but they also constantly want something from her. Anonymity is not an option, unless she considers going incognito. 

So you might say, "Well, I'm not gonna feel sorry for Taylor Swift. Her money can buy her happiness." And I get that. But loneliness is still loneliness. 

Chronic loneliness can cause depression, anxiety, even thoughts of suicide. It can lead to abuse of alcohol and drugs. It can also contribute to chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Loneliness can be as dangerous as smoking.

People of any age can experience loneliness. Older adults and people with disabilities can have the added difficulties of lack of reliable caregivers, accessible transportation, mobility issues, and financial limitations that make it difficult to be social. 

There is help available if you are lonely. While social media like Facebook can actually increase feelings of loneliness, the Internet can lead to sources for connection, such as meetup groups for hobbies, support groups, book clubs, companionship, and lifelong learning - both in person and online. If you are a person of faith, consider contacting a local house of worship to find out about in-person and streaming events. With anything you try, it's important to attend more than once. Friendships and connections are usually not instantaneous. It can take time to feel comfortable in a new group. 


Falls are not a normal part of aging

Falling doesn't have to be in your future. 

It is true that older adults are more prone to falls, and more likely to injure themselves when they do fall. 

Falls can lead to injury, immobility, fear of future falls, and loss of independence. Immobility, even for short periods of time, can make you susceptible to infections, blood clots, and pneumonia. 

Lifestyle changes can greatly reduce your risk of falling. Here are a few examples:

1) Remove throw rugs and reduce clutter to avoid tripping

2) Have adequate lighting in your home

3) Be aware that some medications have side effects of dizziness and/or drowsiness

4) If you must drink alcohol, drink in moderation

5) Ascend and descend stairs cautiously

6) See a doctor if you are experiencing dizziness

7) Consider physical therapy to address balance concerns. Some physical therapists will work with you at home. You can also find balance exercises on YouTube. Yoga and Tai Chi will also help with balance. Cardio and strength training are important forms of exercise, but so is balance.

Finally, if you are falling, or close to falling, no matter how old you are, please consider a mobility device such as a cane, walker, or rollator. Don't let pride, ageism, or stigma stop you. A mobility device will not 100% prevent you from falling, but it will reduce your chances, and will also give you the stability and confidence to keep moving. A functional medicine specialist or physical therapist can assist you on deciding which device is best for you.

For more information, visit:


Keys to Longevity

 Jimmy Carter will celebrate his 99th birthday tomorrow.  

 Ninety nine years on this earth is an impressive accomplishment. 

For President Carter, it is even more more reason to celebrate, given the factors that could have shortened his life. 

His father and siblings died of pancreatic cancer. 

In 2015, he was diagnosed with melanoma that spread to his liver in brain. 

In 2019, he had a series of falls that resulted in broken bones. 

Seven months ago, he entered hospice. 

Most people are in hospice care for six months or less. 

The 8 general principles of good health are:

    fresh air



    nutritious food




    feeling in control

The article I'll include at the end of this post outlines four habits that have likely contributed to President Carter's longevity: 

#1: A sense of purpose: Community involvement and volunteering have been a hallmark of Jimmy Carter's post presidential existence. Through his work with Habit for Humanity, he has helped to build, renovate, and repair thousands of homes in more than a dozen countries. 

Helping other people can help you.

#2: Strong family ties: Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter have been married for 77 years, and maintain close relationships with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.  

Family keeps you young, engaged, connected.

#3: Regular exercise: President Carter was a runner into his early 80's, then switched to swimming and walking. He's also been an avid bike rider. 

Exercise is good for mental as well as physical health. 

#4: Faith: For nearly forty years, President Carter regularly taught Sunday School at the Plains, Georgia Baptist church where he and Rosalyn attend services. 

Faith fuels your spirit. Feeling connected to a Higher Power can help your body and your mind. 

Evidence is showing that lifestyle can influence both your quality as well as quantity of life. Making positive changes in the eight principles of good health and other habits can help you prevent chronic conditions, even if you have a family history of disease. 



Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Big Brother 9/17 episode

I'm behind as usual.

But I'm still in mourning over Izzy's eviction.

While I don't like it when players leave abruptly when they're voted out, and of course I do not condone any form of violence, I laughed out loud when Izzy pushed Cam away and said, "I'll be seeing you next week, Piggy." It was just the right amount of playful sass, but I know she was also so upset that Cam's plan to get her out worked.

My other thought:
Jared is playing a terrible mental game. He and Cirie are still in the game because luckily he can win comps. Cory was absolutely right in everything he said about Jared and Cirie. Jared was trying to bulldoze his way through multiple lies. And Cirie has become entangled in too many alliances.

I'm rooting for Matt and Jag.


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Big Brother 9/7 Episode - Spoilers

Oh BB, how you toy with us Jag fans.

First you made us think Jag was going out on a unanimous vote when Cam was HOH.

Then you led us to believe the majority was going to flip and kick out Jag instead of Red when Jared was HOH.

But they didn't. 

Jag survived another week.


But this week - Cam is in power again, and everyone except Bowie Jane is waiting for the ax to fall.

My prediction: Cam will nominate Matt and Jared. But Izzy and Cirie are also strong possibilities. 

Cam had to watch his bromance partner walk out the door. He is out for revenge. 

I don't dislike Red. I think he was a good competitor. But he made a huge mistake when he believed Jared and didn't have a heart to heart with Cam. I don't believe Cam was throwing Red under the bus. He was simply telling Jared what J wanted to hear. He was playing the game.



Relationships can be difficult. 
With family
With friends

But it's important to nurture and grow relationships.
To build connections. 
To avoid loneliness and isolation.
To learn from each other.

And to make memories that will sustain you.

Yesterday we remembered someone on his special birthday.

Memories of fun times, inside jokes, and shared laughter brought smiles and comfort to ease the grief.

This is what life is all about.

Make your mark on the world.

Share yourself with others.

Live to be cherished ... celebrated .... by your loved ones who will instill your legacy in future generations. 

The body dies, but the spirit ... and the memories ... are everlasting. 


Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Big Brother 8/31 Episode - Spoilers!

I haven't seen Sunday night's episode yet, and I'm late posting about Thursday. 

But I have to say THANK YOU to Matt for saving Jag!! My excitement might be short-lived. Cam or Red could have won HOH, and could have targeted Jag again, or Matt if they found out who thwarted their plans.

But for right now I'm happy. It was so delicious to be in suspense, wondering if Jag was going to walk out the front door. Yay Matt for making a big move!
I would love to see Matt, Jag, and Cirie as the final three.

It will be interesting to see how Jared reacts to someone saving Jag instead of Blue.
