Sunday, January 15, 2023

Caveat To My Last Post

I know what many of you are saying if you read my previous post:

I work full time
I have a family
I am taking care of my parents.

How nice for you that you can section your tasks and activities.  

I don't have that luxury. 

I hear you.
I apologize. 
I understand that I can live my life this way because I have fewer responsibilities. 

I am going to offer some suggestions,  with the stipulation that they are not options for some.

When it comes to your job:
Request a flexible schedule 
If you have a disability, ask for reasonable accommodations 
Invest in short and long term disability insurance through your employer 
Take sick leave 
If you are low on sick leave, ask if there is a sick leave pool.

When it comes to family responsibilities:
Talk to spouse and children about pitching in more
Ask family and friends to help. There are web sites where loved ones can set up schedules to share duties
If financially able, hire a maid service and/or have food delivered, or do curbside
Ask siblings to help with parents, or to take on more responsibilities for a period of time.

I hope these ideas can help.


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