Saturday, August 01, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - new exercise classes

This week I tried TWO new exercise classes by Zoom.

The first is called "Osteo Strong" - a free class from Ballet Austin.
The second is from an organization called Angel Eyes Fitness and Nutrition, based in Georgia.

Both classes turned out to be too difficult for me.
Too much cardio
Too much work with weights
Too long in duration
They were just more than I could do.

But in both cases I didn't quit.
I stayed for the hour both times, and I did as much as I could do.

I may not attend these classes every week.
The Osteo Strong one is during work time, so that's a complication.

But I may do them every once in awhile.
I can take what I've learned in these classes and incorporate those moves into my evolving routine.
And I will continue to look for more classes.

I felt disappointed after the first class.
But not after the second.
Because I understand that I have health conditions, and I'm not going to be able to keep up with a regular exercise class, even ones that are designed for older persons, or people with disabilities.

I have to go at my own pace, and be happy with what I can do.
Any movement is good.
I also have to understand that in doing these classes, I can improve.
If I don't try, if I just say "I can't do it," then I won't have any possibility of improving my balance or gaining bone or muscle strength.

Confucius said, "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."


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