Friday, January 20, 2017

To Watch or Not to Watch

This is a very easy decision for me.
I am absolutely not watching the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump.

I feel very sad today. That's an understatement, actually. For the past eight years I have felt so proud and I have such admiration for President Obama. He has led our country with such dignity, grace, and intelligence. Due to his leadership, our country has recovered from the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression.

Usually I am a news hound. I like to know what's going on in the country, in the world. Even if I don't have time to watch the local or national television news broadcasts, I usually check in with CNN or MSNBC a few times a day on the computer or on my phone. Now I don't want to watch the news. I can't, really. Just seeing his face and hearing his voice revolts me. His tone is always so mocking, so judgemental, so short-tempered, so bloated with his own ego. He is a liar. His administration has already had more scandals than eight years of the Obama White House, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet!

An acquaintance from school posted the following on Facebook this morning: "If you can't be kind, at least be quiet." Usually I would agree with that statement. But not in this case. When you are quiet, then it means people think you agree with what is happening in our country. I cannot be quiet. And while I am usually a very respectful person, I am not respectful to him. I know I should be, because in a very short period of time he will be our president. But I cannot respect him. I cannot respect someone who lies and cheats and is so rude to people. He is dangerous. He is evil. He does not deserve my respect, and I don't believe he will ever earn my respect. He is hell bent on taking away the rights and laws that protect me as a woman, as a person with a disability, and the laws and regulations that protect my LGBT family.

So its a no-brainer for me. I will not be watching the Inauguration. But how do I feel about schools and classrooms showing the Inauguration, and telling students they have to watch? Some teachers are creating assignments and curricula that involve having to watch the Inauguration. So if the students do not watch then they will fail the assignment, which will affect their grade in the class. I don't think that is right. I think watching the Inauguration should be optional.

Now, I don't agree with keeping students home from school today. For some students, that could ruin their perfect attendance record. I think if a class is watching the Inauguration, and certain students do not want to watch, they should be allowed to go to the library or help out in the grade level office. There are certain activities that are mandatory for students, of course, but I don't think watching the Inauguration should be one of them. Part of me is conflicted by my viewpoint, because I wouldn't want students to opt out of watching the Inauguration if Hillary Clinton was being sworn in as president. But I understand that I can't have it both ways. Students don't have a lot of freedom in school, but this should be one of those freedoms. They should not have to watch something that would make them uncomfortable.

All I can do at this point is hope that we all survive the next four years, or however long Mr. Trump manages to stay in office. But I will do more than hope. I will use my voice, my vote, my signature, my presence, whatever I have the power and the ability to do to fight for my rights, my safety, and my protection as a citizen of this country.


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