Sunday, November 23, 2014

President Obama's Address

I'm not going to discuss President Obama's plan on immigration. What I want to talk about is the television networks deciding not to carry his address to the nation.
I think that's wrong. And I would say that no matter who is president. A presidential address to the nation should always be carried by the four major networks. Obviously I watch a lot of tv shows, and I was just as excited as anyone to watch the mid-season finales of Grey's Anatomy,  Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder. I didn't want the shows to start late, which meant I would get to bed late.

But I think the leader of our nation should always take precedence over entertainment. Always.

It might be hard to believe, but there are people in this country who do not have access to cable news stations. There are people who do not have Internet access at home. Many, many people cannot afford a smartphone with a CNN or yahoo app.

When I said this to my mom,  she replied, "Well, it will be in the newspaper tomorrow. " My response: "Newspapers aren't free. Unless you read them at the library. But if you're working two and three jobs to make ends meet, when are you going to have time to go the library?"

Like it or not, television is the best medium for disseminating information to the people of our nation. Some apartment complexes offer basic cable as part of the rent. Maybe that would include CNN,  maybe not. But it would definitely include the local ABC,  CBS,  FOX, and NBC affiliates. They should have carried President Obama's address to the nation.


Saturday, November 08, 2014

Survivor Blood v Water II

Wow, Julie took the coward's way out, didn't she? First she hoarded food, which is a big no no of course. She didn't apologize or try to explain herself. And then she just quit. She quit, even after she was told that people were willing to work with her, that they weren't planning to vote her out.

I think it shows that Julie wasn't interested in being a team player. She had to know how wrong hoarding food is in this game, but she wasn't willing to apologize or make amends to anyone. She didn't want to work with anyone.

So she cried to Jeff that she was homesick for her controversial boyfriend John Rocker. I have to say, Jeff was surprisingly easy on her. It kind of irritated me that he was so nice to her. I remember, I think it was one of the all-star seasons, when someone's mother was dying, and she wanted to go home. Jeff was such as tool to her, basically called her a quitter, and had all the contestants gather together to discuss their thoughts about her decision.

He made me so mad. Seeing her mother before she died was more important to her than a million dollars. Don't shame her for that. And quit wasting her valuable time. Let her get on the plane and get home to her mother. You can hold a discussion about it after she left if you felt you must, because you think you're king of the show. The contestant did make it home in time to say goodbye, thank goodness.

I wonder if Julie will be on the reunion show.


Another Dancing with the Stars note

The most disappointing contestant for me this season - Antonio Sabato Jr.  I feel bad saying that, because I know he's a good guy, and he really tried hard to learn the dances.

I just had high expectations for him. He's such a hot guy; I thought he and Cheryl would sex up the dance floor like she and Gilles Marini did.

But alas, such was not the case. They worked really hard, but Antonio never figured out how to use his hips. He almost figured it out on the salsa, but not quite. I still think he was better than Tommy Chong and Michael Waltrip, but as we fans know all too well, the worst are not always eliminated first.

So good try, Antonio. And don't worry, you are still all kinds of hot.

I also have to say again, I love Erin Andrews! She is far and away the best hostess the show has had. I enjoy the post-dance interviews now. And she and Tom are great together.


Thursday, November 06, 2014

Dancing with the Stars

Nearly every season I hesitate about watching "Dancing with the Stars." Especially when it was on for two nights every week. It's such a big time commitment, and I already watch so much television. So I usually try to talk myself out of watching. "I don't know very many of the contestants. Maybe it won't be that good this season." But every season I watch it, and every season I so enjoy it. If there is one thing I wish I could do, I would want to dance.

This season there have been more bad contestants in my opinion, and a few of them are often pretty painful to watch, bless their hearts. There is a real gulf between the good and bad contestants that remain in the competition. The good ones are really great, and the bad ones...are just not going to improve. In my opinion, Lea is the only star that's somewhere in the middle. There is no doubt that she can dance, and she has had moments of greatness, but her nerves often get the best of her. Unfortunately the judges' comments haven't helped her comfort level. The one week where she looked the most relaxed and sexy, the judges told her she was trying to be someone else and she should be herself. Huh? Lea is sexy!

I think anyone in the top four - Alfonso, Janel, Sadie, and Bethany - have the capacity to take the Mirrorball trophy. There is a good chance it will come down to who executes the best freestyle in the finale. History would tell us that Derek and Bethany have the greatest odds in that case, followed by Mark and Sadie. Whitney has never choreographed a freestyle, and Val's freestyle with Zendaya a free years ago resulted in their second place finish.

It's a race to the finish, and I look forward to the next few weeks. I haven't voted yet, but I may start next week. I really like both Alfonso and Janel, so I may have to split my votes. I could vote on my land line for one and my mobile phone for the other.


Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The Time is Now

The time for resiliency is now.
The time for productivity is now.
The time to combat procrastination is now.
The time to combat fear is now.
The time for me to be happy is now.


Monday, November 03, 2014

Negative thinking

Negative thinking is probably my biggest obstacle. It pervades every aspect of my life. Now that I've realized this (shocking that it took me forty six years to do so!) maybe I can chip away it. Negative thinking keeps me from being the resilient, motivated, accomplished person that I want to be.

Yesterday I began what it is for me a pretty strenuous activity - sweeping the patio. I like to do it because it is a good form of exercise for me, and I like the feeling of satisfaction when the space looks nice and tidy.

Halfway through the sweeping, though, I noticed how negative my thoughts were as I was working. "You're doing a bad job today." "The patio isn't going to look as good as it has in the past." "I'm too tired today." "I feel weaker than usual." "Why am I bothering? I'm not going to be happy with the results."

What the heck? Why am I always so hard on myself? Why do I always set myself up to be at the least disappointed in myself, and at worst feel like a complete failure? So I worked on my thinking. I said to myself, "I'm doing the best I can." "I can do this." "I think it's going to look okay."

It was a fairly windy day, so I knew I would not get the patio devoid of leaves and dirt, and that should never be the goal anyway for an outdoor space. When I put the broom down and scooped the leaves and as much dirt as I could into a plastic bag, I surveyed the area. Not a bad job, I thought. I didn't reach every corner and crevice, but I never do. I think I did about as well as usual, and that is pretty good. The patio looked nice.
And I didn't give up.

Negative thinking can steal so much of the positivity available to you in life. If you have a critical voice in your head, and I suspect everyone does at times, silencing it can be a time-consuming and tiring task. But definitely necessary.

Overall, the weekend was quite productive. I accomplished almost everything on my list. I feel more organized, and that always makes me feel happier and calmer.
