Thursday, June 06, 2013

Survivor: Fans v Favorites

I know I'm several weeks late, and this is old news now...



I'm a big Cochran fan. I was a fan last season as well as this season. I love watching superfans play the games they love. I was so happy when Ian won Big Brother last summer. And now Cochran has won Survivor. He outwitted, out played, and out lasted tough, buff Malcolm, Eddie, and Reynold; beautiful Aundrea and Brenda; and at times emotionally unstable Dawn. He won with a unanimous vote, took four individual challenges, masterminded the blindsides of Aundrea and Brenda, and made sure he took two women to the final tribal council with him who were the least deserving to win the million dollar prize.

While its obvious that I absolutely think Cochran deserved to win, I do understand the arguments of his critics. Cochran was very lucky in many respects. Malcolm didn't find another hidden immunity idol. Cochran outlasted Eddie in a challenge because he (Cochran) paid for an advantage during the Survivor auction. Aundrea got blindsided with an idol in her pocket. Brenda let Dawn win a challenge, which resulted in her blindside. And Eric had to leave the game due to illness. If Brenda or Eric had made it to the final tribal council, Cochran might not have won.

But that's the great thing about Survivor. Malcolm said it himself during the reunion. ANYONE can win Survivor. Anyone. In fact, its often NOT the brawny tough guy that wins. This year, it was the pasty, nerdy, formerly social awkward Harvard law student that took the prize. And I am thrilled. Way to go Cochran! By your example, we see that dreams can come true, using our powers of intelligence, perseverance, and learning from previous missteps.


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