Saturday, September 14, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 Episode 9/12 SPOILERS!

 I didn't get to watch Thursday's episode until Friday. 

My Friday the 13th was fine - until Quinn walked out the front door. :(

Really Chelsie? You're going to believe something that Karen - I mean Angela - told you? 

I mean, yes, Quinn was a schemer. Angela could have been telling the truth. But she wasn't. And I think Quinn was right that breaking up the three person alliance would have been a good plan. 

So strange though - Angela planted a seed, got Quinn put up on the block, and then she voted for him to stay?!?! If Cam had not flipped, the vote would have been tied. I don't know what Chelsie would have done. 

Cedric and Quinn are my favorites. I like Kimo too. I hope one of them wins favorite houseguest, but it will probably be Tucker. 


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