Sunday, July 17, 2022


Sunday morning has become organization time. This is when clothes worn during the week are put into the laundry basket. Jackets are folded and pants are hung up. Mail is sorted and if needed, bills are paid. The dining room table is cleared of miscellaneous stuff. Containers are taken from the drying rack in the kitchen and returned to the pantry. Clothes and accessories are selected and food is readied for the first day of the work week (unless Monday is a holiday, of course).

I don't think Sunday organizing is unique to me. Likely many people have a similar routine. I wonder if other people dislike doing it. I like it. It makes me feel productive. Calm. Organization makes me happy.

"A place for everything and everything in its place"
It's an old quote but rings true for me.

Nothing is ever perfectly organized on a Sunday, but if perfection were the goal, I would never feel any amount of accomplishment. 

"Better" is the goal I choose.


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