Monday, July 06, 2020

"Living Under the Threat" - My Favorite Day of the Week

Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week.
Not because it's hump day.
I do enjoy the camel commercials.

Wednesday is my favorite day because it's grocery delivery day.
I start holding my breath on Sundays.
Will we be able to get a delivery?
Will the store be out of important items?
Will the store have to institute restrictions because people are hoarding again?
Both my roommate and I have dietary requirements.

So I breathe a sigh of relief when the friendly and helpful delivery people deposit the grocery bags at our door. 

I am so happy when I don't receive a text that the store has run out of something important.

I feel so grateful when I know we are stocked for another week.

And I try not to automatically start worrying about the next week.


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