Sometimes I get to the end of the day, and I haven't reached my step goal.
The little voice in my head says, "It's okay. You can miss your goal today. You'll probably achieve it tomorrow."
But I don't listen.
I get out the pedal exerciser.
Or I walk in place.
Or I make multiple trips from one room to another.
So I can reach my goal.
There are many mornings when I don't want to do my bridge exercises.
They're not easy.
They are the first exercise that I do.
Usually I'm half asleep.
"You could do them before you go to bed," the little voice says.
"Or just skip them. Just for today," she pushes.
But I don't listen.
I do the bridges.
I'm often so tired at night.
The last thing I do before I brush my teeth is take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil.
It's a new health-related activity.
It's one of my least favorite things to do in a day.
I do not like the taste.
But I believe it is good for me.
I can't swallow the huge fish oil pills.
"It's gross," the little voice says.
"You know you don't like it."
"Just don't do it today."
But I don't listen.
I take the supplement.
My little voice is terrible.
She works against me.
She tells me not to do the things that are good for me.
She encourages me to avoid and procrastinate and delay.
She also tells me that I'm going to fail in my goals.
It is a daily struggle to ignore her.
Maybe one day she will shut the hell up.