Friday, June 21, 2019

A Silly Tale of a Non-Matching Phone Case

My ensemble for Thursday:
black shirt
black and gray pinstripe capris
black shoes
black and silver jewelry
black purse

All is right with with the world.

But I don't have a black phone case.
So I used a case that is black with various shades of pink.
Close enough

But sometime between being in the van and getting to work, I had a revelation.
I have a gray phone case!
That would have matched my outfit much better.

Is the matching thing getting out of hand?

All morning at work when I looked at my phone, my every thought was, "wrong case!"

Friday's outfit:
blue jeans
blue socks and shoes
blue jacket
dark green shirt
dark green phone case
new dark green purse

Much better.

No phone case dilemma today.


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