Thursday, July 14, 2016

Things I tend to lose

I haven't reached that stage in life when I lose things frequently - yet. I am to the point when I walk into a room and don't remember what I needed there. I have misplaced my keys a time or two, and I've left my phone at home twice. That is a big deal, because I am very attached to my phone, as many people are. The first time I forgot my phone it was quite an ordeal, because I was going to Houston for the weekend. I didn't have a way to contact my friends or family there. I was at the bus station, stressed out and fretting, and left a semi-hysterical voicemail for my roommate using the phone in customer service, asking him to text my mom and my friends and explain the situation. About thirty minutes later, I was on the bus, feeling like I was missing a limb because I didn't have my phone in my grasp. I look up from my perch in the front of the Greyhound, and there is my dear roommate, holding up my phone, with a big grin on his sweet face. I burst into tears of relief and appreciation. He heard my voicemail, left work, went home, found my phone in the odd place I left it, and brought it to me. Weekend saved.

There are two things, however, that I do tend to misplace: sunglasses, and the butterfly ring that I wear nearly every day. Okay, be honest, girl, you don't misplace sunglasses: you lose them. This is because I usually have them in my hand and lay them down somewhere, like in the Metro Access car or in the grocery store. When I use a case for the sunglasses, I am less likely to lose them. Luckily I don't have prescription sunglasses. I buy the $5 Walmart sunglasses because I lose them so often.

I tend to misplace my ring because I am actually trying to take care of it, so I take it off when I wash my hands or am doing dishes. Its very delicate, a rope band with the butterfly hanging down from the ring, so I think if its exposed too much to water and soap the butterfly will eventually detach from the ring. But the problem is, instead of using the ring holders that I have, I tend to put the ring on the counter, and then I don't remember where I put it. One time I put it on top of a can, and when I picked up the can, the ring went flying across the kitchen. Once again, my roommate came to the rescue and found it.

These days I am using the ring holders more often than not, so I am misplacing the ring less, which makes me very happy. This morning however, the ring holder became part of the problem. The holder was very close to the sink, and in my haste to separate the ring from the holder, the ring again went flying, and this time landed in the disposal! Crap! My driver had already arrived and I needed to leave, but I couldn't leave my ring in the disposal. I would have had OCD all day at work. I could see it, but it took me a minute to dislodge the ring from the disposal. Luckily there wasn't anything yucky down there. The ring was saved once again.

My mom went through a terrible time of losing things when she went through menopause. She lost her keys several times, and had pretty legendary fits of rage. She also threw some checks in the trash. I hope these events are not in my future, but likely, they are.


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