Stress results from a wrong definition of life. For most people life stands for ‘Living in Fear Everyday’.
Insecurities and fears lead you to ignore the positives leading to a loss of self-belief. The way out of this negative spiral is to change the definition of life to ‘Living in Freedom Everyday’. By making the right choices, you attract positive people and opportunities. Given our busy schedules, it might not always be possible to pursue any single form of wellness. But you can make small changes from various forms. Motivational speaker and life coach Santosh Joshi gives some easily do-able tips.
1. Get In touch with your inner self
Master this simple meditation technique. You can do this while travelling in a bus, train or flight, or even at work. And you only need 15 minutes.
- Sit in a comfortable chair.
- Take a few deep breaths. Focus on the breath going in and out.
- Imagine that your whole body, every pore and cell is breathing. (This helps draw cosmic energy.)
- Take a few deep breaths. Focus on the breath going in and out.
- Imagine that your whole body, every pore and cell is breathing. (This helps draw cosmic energy.)
2. Imbibe the power of music
Sound vibrations stir our inner being. Play spiritual music, hymns and chants as and when you can. Listen to such music while working out or jogging; your mind wouldn’t wander then.
3. Be around nature
Invest in making your living zone a green area by planting trees. Try and sign up for nature walks once in a while. Else, try and walk barefoot every day for 15 minutes at your nearest park. It’s a simple way to connect with nature. The earth element has the capacity to take away negativity.
4. Have Vibrant Colours around
Colour therapy is getting popular by the day. Colours emit vibrations that affect our psyche. Eg: Yellow gives confidence, Red signifies security, Orange signifies emotional balance and blue improves communication and intuition. Explore its benefits in daily life. Change your drapes, bed sheets, pillow covers etc with primary colours or any colour that makes you happy. Light coloured candles. Wear more vibrant hues. Choose outfits depending on the way you want to project yourself.
5. Embrace The Love of a Child
Children have a natural energy that is so vibrant that it is a blessing for most adults to experience it. Speak or share experiences daily with a child in your family and you will be well on your way to seeing life in a very different way.
6. Indulge in some laughter therapy
No need to join a laughter club, just try and have a good laugh at least 10 minutes a day. It opens up blocked energy patterns, releases feel-good hormones and is even good for certain aches and pains. So rent your favourite DVDs or comedy shows and laugh out loud.
7. Energize your house
Light a candle or diya every morning and evening. Fire has capacity to burn negative energies. Fill your house with fragrance and aromas that relax the mind. Try and have a water body. Also have open windows; the flow of air takes away negative energy.
8. Inner child therapy
Each person has an inner child within him/her. Do things you used to as a child — be it clay modelling, doodling, drawing with colour pencils/crayons or even jumping into a puddle. They help you get rid of inhibitions and help you explore new areas of life.
9. Press the right points
Based on acupressure, stimulating pressure points reduces stress. During stress, immediately press points around your eyes, your ear lobes and the point between your nose and lips. These points have a direct connection to nerve endings that control feelings of unease. Also keep pressing your palms to get immediate relief.
10. Healthy Lifestyle
The point about good sleep, healthy diet and exercise cannot be emphasised enough. If you can’t stick to a routine, at least adopt a few good practices. Like having a ‘fruit day’ occasionaly to cleanse the body. Or drinking enough water to flush out toxins. Another tip is to count your steps while walking, it improves concentration. Finally, have gratitude; Gratitude fills us with positive energy.
11. Clear Clutter
Clear your home, work station and even your car. Most importantly, clear your mind. Clutter creates blocks in the flow of energy within you. When these blocks remain for long, it spreads all over your body and mind leaving you in a forever irritable and snappy mood.
End of article
I think these are all really good ideas. Getting out of my own head is the best thing that I can do for myself and my emotional well-being. When I fixate on what's wrong with my life, I can get very low, especially recently. When I keep myself busy and don't take the time to obsess, I feel much better. Here are some other ways I have found to keep myself more healthy emotionally:
1) Living in the moment
Goes hand in hand with getting out of my own head. I get in the most trouble emotionally when I sit around worrying about the future, or being sad about the past. When I say to myself, "Right now, in this moment, I am okay. Everything is fine," I feel so much calmer.
2) Keeping hydrated
I am chronically dehydrated, and I take medications that further deplete my body. I notice a difference in both my stamina and emotional stability when I can get what is for me a good amount of liquid in me, especially water.
3) Remembering to breathe
I have a low lung capacity, and I tend to hold my breath when I'm feeling rushed or when I'm concentrating on something. I also don't breathe correctly when I'm nervous or stressed. So when I feel the anxiety start to increase, I try to check in with myself, stop, and take a few good breaths. That usually helps quite a bit.
4) Taking my medicines / supplements
I can procrastinate a lot sometimes, and that makes me feel bad about myself. I feel calmer and happier with myself when I stick to a routine which includes taking my medicines. Luckily I don't have many to take in a day. I have an inner ear disorder that can contribute to my anxiety levels, and luckily I'm on a new medicine that seems to be helping pretty significantly, not only improving the anxiety, but also my OCD, focus, balance, and energy.
5) Eating well
When I'm listless and low on energy, I don't feel like cooking. Not that I cook that often anyway, but I'm trying to change that. I like to make casseroles and food that I can put in the freezer and eat during the week. With the help of my caregiver, we have made spaghetti sauce and chili and those meals can last me a week or more. I add mushrooms, zucchini, and squash to the spaghetti sauce and chili to get in more vegetables. I also make egg muffins with those vegetables. The egg muffins are super easy to make. I still eat too much processed food but I'm working on that. Baby steps there.
6) Gratitude
This is such an important component to my emotional health. It is unfortunately so easy for me to focus on all that is wrong with my life. When I manage to re-direct my thoughts to what is good in my existence, I feel so much better. I kept a gratitude journal for awhile; I need to return to that.
7) Exercise
I have osteoporosis, and fairly poor balance, so I am at significant risk for falling. Exercise should be a priority for me, but it's more of a desire and hope at this point. I have a pedal exerciser, and my goal is to pedal for 15 - 20 minutes per day. I accomplish that once or twice a week these days. I need to improve on that. I also need to walk more, and do my balance exercises. I would also like to get to the pool this summer.
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