Thursday, March 06, 2008

My "fierce boys" of reality tv

Yea Christian from Project Runway!! Here are some comments I made on a message board about him:

I love Christian from Project Runway too; I'm so glad he won. I think he's adorable and I love his "chutzpah." I got all misty eyed when he started crying. I honestly don't think that show is about making clothes for "everyday women." Its about high fashion and coutre (spelling?), and I think most of us would never imagine wearing the clothes these designers create. Items created for the runway are the kinds of things someone like Christian creates: dramatic, intricate, artistic, and yes, over the top. Honestly, I wish he had used more color in his designs. But I thought the two-toned dress at the end was absolutely amazing. And I thought he was spectacular all season. I thought he definitely deserved to win.

It was actually a shock to me that Christian is as popular as he is; I was very surprised that he won the fan favorite award. He looked stunned as well! I thought liking him would put me in the minority (I'm used to that.) I thought his attitude would turn people off. But I've been intrigued all season with the juxtaposition of his "puppy dog" eyes and his "fierceness," how he can be helpful one minute and so caustic the next, and the final episode really got me with his anxiety and tears at the end. I think for all of his brashness and "I'm the best" attitude, I think he was really afraid at the end that he would be runner-up. And I was afraid he would be as well, because my favorite usually does come in second place. :-)

My other "fierce boy" of the moment...Danny Noriega from American Idol. With this one I think I'm definitely in the minority. Many comments on message boards find him annoying, rude, and not a good enough singer. I think he's interesting, funny, and talented...not the best singer in the competition, but definitely not the worst. Again, like Christian, I see a very complex personality. He's got a ton of moxie, and a "devil may care" attitude, but there is a vulnerability in his eyes, if you look beyond the pout and the head snaps. I agree with Randy that he is holding back vocally; he needs to channel some of that uber confidence he displays in his performance to his voice. Usually I am highly irritated when contestants yap back to Simon, but I find Danny and Simon's exchanges highly entertaining. And Danny's wilting "mmm mmm" comment to Ryan about not noticing the purple streaks in his hair was the funniest moment on that show in a long time. On the other end, I got choked up witnessing Danny's tears when the girls were eliminated last week. All for show? Could be. But it got to me.

Usually I really can't stand self-centered, "full of themselves" people. But I think that's the point I'm trying to make. I think Christian and Danny come across that way to a lot of people, but I just don't see them that way. I see them as unique and complex individuals. I also have respect for the fact that they aren't afraid to be themselves. I think because in many ways I fear showing my true self to the world, as I get older I am intrigued by people who put themselves out there and have such personal conviction. I am especially amazed that they are so young. But some would say that is part of their problem; they are impetuous and have no respect for authority. One person on a message board said Danny wouldn't last a day in a recording studio with his attitude. She could be right. I guess all I can say at this point is that I am enjoying watching and seeing what happens next. Christian and Danny definitely live up to my definition of reality tv. They are talented and entertaining. Go boys! Ya'll are FIERCE!


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