I am happy with who won, but I wish the vote had been closer.
At the same time, I understand why it wasn't.
I do think Chelsie was the mastermind, and she did influence some of Makensy's decisions, especially getting Leah out.
Big Brother is a tough game to play.
You get close to people, you form alliances, you are together 24/7, and then if you want to win the big money you often have to eliminate a friend, an alliance member, maybe even a crush, and take someone to the end who doesn't deserve to be there.
I am so glad that Makensy chose loyalty and integrity over money.
I hope she feels that she did the right thing.
And I hope she is proud of the game that she played.
This Texas girl is proud of that Texas girl.
And I was thrilled to see two strong women at the end.
I was not surprised to see Tucker win Favorite Houseguest.
I was happy that Quinn was in the top 3 for that prize.
But Angela also being in the top 3?!?!?!
Look - I'm sure Angela is a very nice person.
But in the Big Brother house, she was manipulative, paranoid, and a bully.
Anyway, it was a very fun season.
Congrats Chelsie, and thanks Big Brother!
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