And if we are talking about work - we have to talk about co-workers.
I have been lucky to have many wonderful co-workers during my years at the library.
When you are in the customer service field, you bond with your co-workers.
Especially when you are in cubicles in one big room.
We help each other.
In a variety of ways.
We celebrate when someone completes a call with a difficult patron.
We commiserate when someone has had to deal with a difficult patron.
Even though we rarely get to meet our patrons, we still grieve when they pass away.
We tag team on certain requests - often when technology is involved.
We'll scribble on a post it note and run to someone's cubicle - "I talked to her yesterday - check the notes field!" "Transfer him to me; I know what he wants" "Let her know I mailed her a packet last week"
We also have fun times at work
Patron bingo
Games during the lunch hour
Making Valentine cards
Holiday luncheon with games and a white elephant gift exchange
Having the opportunity to work from home is one of the few benefits that came from the pandemic.
But I am also happy on the days I'm in the office because I enjoy the camaraderie, support, and sense of purpose I share with my co-workers.
Customer service / librarianship can be challenging.
But also incredibly rewarding.