Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Be on Time" Chronicles

 It's the return of the "Be on Time" Chronicles!

I am back at the library three days a week. The schedule started in July. So far it is working well. I am at the library on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then I work from home on Tuesday and Thursday. 

Wednesday morning was going very well. I had plenty of time to do my bed exercises, take a good shower, and do my usual morning routine. At the appointed time of my ride I was standing outside waiting. It was a warm, humid summer morning, but not hot yet. All was well. 

And then I felt it.

Or I thought I did. 

Something was crawling on me. 

And then I felt the familiar sting. 

There was likely an ant. 

Maybe even a fire ant.

In my pants. 

Specifically, in my underwear.

Instantly I had a flashback to my childhood.

I was about eleven years old. I was in Sunday School. It was a pretty day, and the teacher had the wonderful idea to hold class outside. We were sitting on the ground, and evidently I sat in an ant pile. My teacher rushed me back into the building, and we went in an office - I don't know which one. I do know that an older boy was in the office because he was in trouble for something. My teacher ordered him out of the office so we could pull my pants down and get the ants off me. That boy of course went back to his class and announced, "I was sent back because a little girl had ants in her pants." The story spread through the Sunday School as fast as the ants that invaded my pants.

Standing outside on Wednesday, I was in a quandary. I could not go back inside without the possibility of missing my ride. And I certainly couldn't pull my pants down in the apartment complex parking lot. 

So I decided to just let the ant enjoy his / her breakfast, and hope he / she was satisfied after a nibble or two. I tend to get big welts and suffer intense itching when I am stung by ants or mosquitos, but I don't have a severe reaction like trouble breathing. 

Luckily this situation was not as extensive as that day in Sunday School. My ride came, and I made it to work. I had some itching, but nothing unbearable.

At least a bird didn't poop on me. 


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