Friday, June 26, 2020

Cheat Foods Taste So Good!

I've mentioned before that I'm dealing with high potassium of unknown origin.
My kidneys and adrenal glands seem to be working fine, which is great news.
But I have been unable to eat many foods in my diet for months: potatoes, tomatoes, tomato sauce, bananas, avocado, beans, milk, chocolate, etc. It has been a difficult situation.

But now my doctor is allowing me one cheat food per day.
It has been so nice to add some foods back in.
One would think that chocolate would be the first food I would return to, but I haven't.
I've been adding healthier options - usually 1/3 of a cup of beans, or a medium banana, or a dish with mushrooms in it. Occasionally a few bites of avocado.
I'm eating a snack that has cocoa in it, which has enough of a chocolate taste to satisfy my cravings but doesn't have potassium.

When you haven't been able to eat a certain food - and then you can - missing that taste makes it so wonderful to have it again! There is something called mindful eating - when you just focus on the food you are ingesting, and not doing other activities while you eat, like reading or watching television or scrolling through social media. I have been practicing mindful eating lately, and that has felt really good. The food tastes better when you practice mindful eating, and it is a more enjoyable experience than just shoveling food in while you're focused on another activity.

Last night I ate refried beans with shredded cheese. I used to eat beans with cheese, tomatoes, AND avocados - potassium city! I miss the tomatoes and avocado, but the beans are so creamy and tasty - YUM! Because I can only eat about a 1/3 of a cup, one can lasts for three meals.

Try mindful eating. It is a very pleasant experience, and good for your digestion too.


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