Thursday, August 22, 2019

Automatic door opener

I go to the bathroom several times a day at work - at least three or four. TMI, but there's a reason why I mention this. I have worked at the library for nearly twenty years, and the door to the fourth floor women's restroom has been problematic for awhile - it's not easy to push it when walking in, or pull it when leaving. I'm also germ phobic so I either push or pull on the door while using a paper towel or with my hand inside my jacket sleeve, which makes the process more complicated.

Anyway, this week the library installed automatic doors on the fourth floor restrooms. Now all I have to do is press a button, and tada, the door opens! The struggle is over! :) I never thought to request an automatic door, because I can physically open it, it's just hard to do. Now that the automatic door opener is in place, I'm so happy! I don't have to throw my weight into the door when I'm entering, and pull and tug when I'm leaving. I also don't have to worry that someone is going to open the door and knock into me while I'm struggling to enter or exit.

As relieved as I am, I also realize that opening the bathroom door was a form of exercise for my arms, so I need to devise other ways to keep my arm muscles working. I have one pound hand weights at home, but I rarely use them. I require new motivation now that needing to go to the bathroom is no longer a factor. :)


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