Friday, January 29, 2016

One entire month

For the entire month of January, 2016, I have been consistent.

An entire month of going to bed on time on Sunday and week nights: by 10:40 pm.

An entire month of getting out of bed on time during the week: by 5:50 a.m.

An entire month of keeping the kitchen clean.

An entire month of taking my medicine daily.

An entire month of doing my morning skin care routine.

There's more, but you get the idea. I don't think I've ever been this consistent for an entire month. It feels great. Consistency makes me happy. Consistency keeps me calm. I am so pleased when my surroundings are organized and look nice. Now when I come home from work, I get my clothes and jewelry ready and make my food for the next day instead of waiting until eight or nine o'clock at night to do it, which makes me run late for eating dinner and getting into bed. It feels so good not to feel rushed. I feel so much better now when I wake up in the morning. That extra thirty minutes to an hour of sleep does wonders for me. I feel more alert and have better energy. And I am usually ready five to ten minutes earlier. Some days I even have time for a quick breakfast. 

Now I need to make time for the activities I enjoy - reading, journaling, blogging. And I still desire a social life. I don't want my existence to focus on keeping organized. There needs to be more to my life than that. When I reflect at the end of each day, I want to have memories, experiences, interesting stories. I want more from my life than "I went to bed on time," or "I didn't leave any dishes in the sink." I want to have time and energy for the organization and the experiences.


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