People who tell me that don't know enough about me.
So I am here to educate.
Many people with neuromuscular diseases are cold intolerant.
But unfortunately, but with limited physical abilities, including arm movements, wearing extra layers of clothing can make moving even more difficult, if not impossible.
This morning it had snowed a little, so I wanted to go outside.
I put on a thermal undershirt, long sleeved turtleneck, zip up fleece jacket, and a puffer jacket. Getting the puffer jacket on over the other layers was difficult, but I made it. But even without the jacket, wearing the other layers made it hard for me to raise my arms to reach things, carry things or comb my hair. Not just difficulty moving my arms; my shoulders feel heavy too.
Today I chose warmth over ease of movement.
But I could make that choice because I didn't have to go anywhere.
I didn't have to worry about how my hair looked.
I didn't have to get on a bus or reach the elevator buttons or assemble packets of resources at work.
So just keep that in mind the next time you see that I'm cold, or that I say I'm cold.
Decisions aren't easy.
Solutions sometimes result in problems.
But we do the best we can.
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