Saturday, January 25, 2025
Elon Musk - Did He or Didn't He?
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
"Just put on an extra sweater"
People who tell me that don't know enough about me.
So I am here to educate.
Many people with neuromuscular diseases are cold intolerant.
But unfortunately, but with limited physical abilities, including arm movements, wearing extra layers of clothing can make moving even more difficult, if not impossible.
This morning it had snowed a little, so I wanted to go outside.
I put on a thermal undershirt, long sleeved turtleneck, zip up fleece jacket, and a puffer jacket. Getting the puffer jacket on over the other layers was difficult, but I made it. But even without the jacket, wearing the other layers made it hard for me to raise my arms to reach things, carry things or comb my hair. Not just difficulty moving my arms; my shoulders feel heavy too.
Today I chose warmth over ease of movement.
But I could make that choice because I didn't have to go anywhere.
I didn't have to worry about how my hair looked.
I didn't have to get on a bus or reach the elevator buttons or assemble packets of resources at work.
So just keep that in mind the next time you see that I'm cold, or that I say I'm cold.
Decisions aren't easy.
Solutions sometimes result in problems.
But we do the best we can.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
"Storytelling is a Powerful Form of Advocacy"
Words to Live By
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Favorite Books from 2024
I read 36 books in 2024.
I am only in competition with myself when it comes to how much I read.
I have friends who read many more books than I do.
I was in a reading slump for part of last year.
I hate reading slumps.
When I am enjoying a book so much that I don't want to put it down, that is a happy place for me.
Here are my favorite titles from last year:
"I Will Always Write Back" by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka: The true story of two middle schoolers, one from the Midwest and the other from Zimbabwe, who began a lifelong friendship as pen pals.
"The Goldie Standard" by Simi Monheit - a Jewish grandmother is on a mission to marry off her granddaughter to a 'nice Jewish doctor'
"Have a Little Faith: A True Story" Mitch Albom - Mitch connects with his childhood rabbi and an African American pastor and learns about faith and connection
I also found two new authors to like:
Carolyn Meyer - YA historical fiction
John Glatt - true crime