Sunday, March 02, 2025

The Oscars

I watched a few of the Oscar-nominated movies for this awards season.

But that isn't what I want to talk about. 

I want to vent about the acceptance speeches.

It's a 3 hour show, people.

If there's an important political or societal comment that you want to make - fine.

I'm not opposed to that.

But do it as briefly as possible. 

Be respectful of everyone's time - the viewers, as well as the winners in other categories.

Winners in some of the minor categories were "played off", but Adrian Brody was allowed to keep speaking, taking way more than his alloted time. I understand that winning an Oscar gives you a platform where you can speak out about issues that are important to you.

But other awards were handed out after his category. And the show was already running thirty minutes over.

In fact, Hulu's feed ended before the show was over, so viewers didn't get to see the presentation of the final two awards. 

The person who wins for sound editing or special effects should receive the same time and respect as the people who win the acting awards.

And if you want to speak on a particular topic, realize you might not have time to thank your agent, your parents-in-law, your college roommate, and your fifth grade teacher.


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Living a Healthier Lifestyle

It can feel overwhelming sometimes. 
All of the advice and guidelines
Eat the rainbow
Drink 8 glasses of water per day
Get 150 minutes of exercise per week 
Sleep 8 hours

What if you can't achieve all of that?
You might feel defeated. 
Like, why even try
You might procrastinate
Feelings of failure could lead you to make bad choices

I know I can't drink 8 glasses of water per day.
I think my diet is good, but could be improved.

What helps me is to focus on doing the best that I can.
And taking at least small steps to improvement. 
Doing at least ONE extra thing a day can give you a sense of accomplishment. 
And tiny steps are a way that you can build habits.

So I have a goal now.
Do at least one extra thing per day.
Something for my physical health
Something for my mental health 

I started yesterday.
The extra thing was strength training.
Probably spent less than a minute doing it 
But it was something 
And I was proud of myself.

Today I did ten leg lifts on each leg when I was doing my bed exercises.
Took me how long?
Thirty seconds maybe?
But I could feel the stretch.
I am one day into possibly making that part of my routine
Making it a habit
But if not
At least I did it today

Every little bit helps.


Monday, February 17, 2025

In This Political Climate...

My advice if you are in the minority...

And by minority, I mean anyone who is not...


Keep a journal
It doesn't have to be handwritten
There are journaling apps
Some are free
Day One is an example
Some have the ability to upload audio files
If you can't physically type or have a reading or writing disability 

Maybe you don't like writing 
Maybe you think you don't write well
Doesn't matter
Write anyway

Journals are records
Of personal history
And what is happening in the world around us
Journals communicate our:

Journals teach future generations:
What we experienced
What we endured
How we survived

They are trying to:
Intimidate us
Silence us
Shame us
Devalue us
In some cases erase us

Your voice
Your accomplishments 
Your humanity
Your essence
Will live on
In your journals

Get to it


Monday, February 10, 2025

Super Bowl Performances - My Thoughts

A LOT of chatter about the Super Bowl - the game and the musical performances 

My thoughts:

The Game:
I thought it would be WAY closer.
And I thought KC would win.

The musical performances:
I'll say this:
Just because I don't care for a band or singer / artist doesn't mean they suck or are talentless.
It simply means they aren't my cup of tea.

Lady Gaga:
I adore her.
"Hold My Hand" was an absolutely beautiful, heartfelt ode to anyone who is struggling.

Lauren Daigle:
I don't know her, but I thought her rendition of "America the Beautiful" was lovely. 

Jon Batiste:
I'm a big fan.
I think he's a genius.
I didn't mind the jazz spin on our National Anthem.
I'm not an anthem purist.
He's from New Orleans, performing in New Orleans.
It made sense to me.
His version certainly wasn't disrespectful in any way to me.

Kendrick Lamar:
I don't know his music.
I like some rap, but he's not my cup of tea.
That being said, I don't think he's terrible or talentless.
He's won multiple awards,  including Grammys.
I know his music has messages.
But unfortunately I couldn't understand him most of the time, so I didn't get what he intended to convey.

It's perfectly fine to like what you like, and give props to your favorite artists.
But that doesn't have to mean that what you don't care for is terrible. 
You can be respectful of what others like and value.

One more thing:
I am not a Swifty, but I like Taylor.
I think she is very talented and very generous.
And I think she and Travis are a beautiful couple.
I'm happy for them, and I hope fame doesn't ruin their relationship. 
Now their fashion sense yesterday - that's another story :)


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Elon Musk - Did He or Didn't He?

You be the judge

Was it a Nazi salute?
Was it an homage to Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On"?
Was it an unfortunate gesture made in a moment of unbridled exuberance?

If you are talking strictly mechanics, it is not a Nazi salute. The arm and palm placements are not the same. The Nazi salute does not include a thump on the chest that Elon did.

The problem is, there is mechanics...and then there is intention.

It also matters what you do and what you say in the face of such a controversy.

He has not offered an explanation. 
He has not apologized.
He has done nothing to dampen the firestorm.

If anything, he has poured gasoline on the inferno.
He has posted tweets making puns about the Holocaust. 
He also alleged that Taylor Swift has made gestures that resembled Nazi salutes.

Joking about the Holocaust - never okay

Since he hasn't offered any kind of explanation, we can't know motive or intention.

From what he has tweeted post incident, we're also not seeing any signs of concern or remorse.

How he is handling the fallout speaks to me louder than the gesture itself.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

"Just put on an extra sweater"

People who tell me that don't know enough about me. 

So I am here to educate. 

Many people with neuromuscular diseases are cold intolerant. 

But unfortunately, but with limited physical abilities, including arm movements, wearing extra layers of clothing can make moving even more difficult, if not impossible. 

This morning it had snowed a little, so I wanted to go outside. 

I put on a thermal undershirt, long sleeved turtleneck, zip up fleece jacket, and a puffer jacket. Getting the puffer jacket on over the other layers was difficult, but I made it. But even without the jacket, wearing the other layers made it hard for me to raise my arms to reach things, carry things or comb my hair. Not just difficulty moving my arms; my shoulders feel heavy too.

Today I chose warmth over ease of movement. 

But I could make that choice because I didn't have to go anywhere. 

I didn't have to worry about how my hair looked.

I didn't have to get on a bus or reach the elevator buttons or assemble packets of resources at work. 

So just keep that in mind the next time you see that I'm cold, or that I say I'm cold.

Decisions aren't easy.

Solutions sometimes result in problems. 

But we do the best we can. 




Sunday, January 19, 2025

"Storytelling is a Powerful Form of Advocacy"

The title of this post is a quote from Shane and Hannah's new book interabled. 

The book includes stories from their dating and married life, as well as interviews of other interabled couples. 

Representation matters.

Visibility matters.

And storytelling can come in various forms -
Videos / reels on social media
Books / articles
Blogs / web sites
Movies and television - including acting, writing, producing, and directing

If you are part of a marginalized group and want to see that group represented in society (and represented accurately!), then be an agent of change. 
Make it happen.
Be an actor
Be a writer
Be an illustrator
Be an influencer
Be a public speaker
Start a non-profit 
Use your voice
Be visible

A spoiler from the book:
One of the interabled couples is a husband and wife who are Orthodox Jews.
Orthodox Jews usually find spouses through a matchmaker.
The husband had a difficult time with this process, because as a person with a disability he was not treated as high quality husband or father material.

In order to educate the population and make the process easier for people with disabilities, the husband and wife have both become matchmakers in their community. 

That is how you enact change.
You experience a problem.
And then you become part of the solution.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi

Words to Live By

"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."

A singer known as Nightbirde uttered this amazing phrase during her performance on "America's Got Talent." 

She was dealing with cancer at the time, and has since passed away. 

Life can be hard. Harder for some than others. Finding light in the darkness can be uplifting, empowering. 

For me, gratitude is that beacon. Even on the most challenging days, finding at least one thing to be grateful for gives me hope and a feeling of satisfaction. 

Goals are important.
They give meaning and purpose to your life.
But don't wait for those achievements to be happy.

"You will get there. Until then, be here. This moment matters."


Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Favorite Books from 2024

 I read 36 books in 2024.

I am only in competition with myself when it comes to how much I read.

I have friends who read many more books than I do. 

I was in a reading slump for part of last year. 

I hate reading slumps. 

When I am enjoying a book so much that I don't want to put it down, that is a happy place for me. 

Here are my favorite titles from last year:

"I Will Always Write Back" by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka: The true story of two middle schoolers, one from the Midwest and the other from Zimbabwe, who began a lifelong friendship as pen pals.

"The Goldie Standard" by Simi Monheit - a Jewish grandmother is on a mission to marry off her granddaughter to a 'nice Jewish doctor' 

"Have a Little Faith: A True Story" Mitch Albom - Mitch connects with his childhood rabbi and an African American pastor and learns about faith and connection

I also found two new authors to like:

Carolyn Meyer - YA historical fiction

John Glatt - true crime


Great Quote for the New Year

We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but today is overflowing with potential.
Allan Lokos

A great quote to remind us to be present and live in the moment. 

Living in the future can lead to anxiety, worry, and feeling overwhelmed. 

Live for today.
Live fully.

Happy 2025!