Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Favorite Books from 2024

 I read 36 books in 2024.

I am only in competition with myself when it comes to how much I read.

I have friends who read many more books than I do. 

I was in a reading slump for part of last year. 

I hate reading slumps. 

When I am enjoying a book so much that I don't want to put it down, that is a happy place for me. 

Here are my favorite titles from last year:

"I Will Always Write Back" by Martin Ganda and Caitlin Alifirenka: The true story of two middle schoolers, one from the Midwest and the other from Zimbabwe, who began a lifelong friendship as pen pals.

"The Goldie Standard" by Simi Monheit - a Jewish grandmother is on a mission to marry off her granddaughter to a 'nice Jewish doctor' 

"Have a Little Faith: A True Story" Mitch Albom - Mitch connects with his childhood rabbi and an African American pastor and learns about faith and connection

I also found two new authors to like:

Carolyn Meyer - YA historical fiction

John Glatt - true crime


Great Quote for the New Year

We have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but today is overflowing with potential.
Allan Lokos

A great quote to remind us to be present and live in the moment. 

Living in the future can lead to anxiety, worry, and feeling overwhelmed. 

Live for today.
Live fully.

Happy 2025!