Sunday, December 29, 2024


I moved four times during the first ten years of my life.

Orlando to Sherman
Sherman to Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi to San Antonio 
And then San Antonio to Houston.

After that, we moved three more times in Houston, from an apartment to a rented townhouse, and then finally to a townhouse that Mom purchased. 

This townhouse has been my home since I was fifteen years old.

So many memories, good and bad.
Recovering from multiple surgeries. 
Homebound school programs
Raising my dog Kasha
High school and undergraduate graduations
Getting ready for my sister's wedding

Even though I left to attend graduate school and then stayed in that city, the townhouse, and Houston,  has still been home. I came home often for weekends and for holidays. I often brought friends with me. Mom was always happy to have people visit. She was proud of her townhouse, and her patio of plants and roses.

Yesterday was my last night in the room that's been mine since I was fifteen years old. My last time making it up and down the stairs. My last time getting ready in my bathroom. My last time getting clothes from my walk in closet.

I have been extremely fortunate to have a room and a home to return to for so many years.

Now my mother is beginning a new life. She will have socialization and recreation, and she'll be closer to her family. It is a huge change. I have lived in the house for many years. And I have returned to that house. But it has been her house - for nearly forty years.

The only constant in life is change. Change can be sad. 
It can be scary.
But it can also be exciting. 
And wonderful.

I hope the next family has years of good times in Mom's townhouse. 

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