Tuesday, October 08, 2019

"Be on Time Chronicles" 10/8/19

There are many days when I arrive at work already tired, simply from the stress of making sure I'm ready on time, plus the interactions I have with passengers in the vehicle and the driver. I wouldn't say I'm exactly a morning person. Usually I've only been awake for about an hour when I get picked up, and in that time I've had to shower, dress, sort of make my bed, pack my food, etc. Then I have to be ready for possible conversations, and deal with whatever moods my fellow passengers and the driver are experiencing that day. This morning I rode in with a fellow library employee from my department, so we were talking work, but the driver kept interjecting with bouts of...not road rage...more like road frustration. People were driving too slow, cars were cutting in front of her, and she is one of those drivers that is completely committed to being on time. Which is great, but her lack of coffee (she mentioned that at least three times) and short temper at other drivers was a bit much to deal with, so early in the morning.

Still, I made it to work safely, and on time, so two things to be grateful for.


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