Thursday, May 16, 2019

Survivor Finale: My Thoughts

I can sum up the ending in one word: Meh

The two hour episode and one hour reunion (actually it was a two and a half hour finale and half hour reunion) was quite good - exciting challenges, and Jeff made a concerted effort to talk to nearly everyone during the shorter-than-usual reunion.

As for the final three - that is the meh part for me. Gavin and Julie each won two challenges during the season, and Gavin has the bragging right of never having a vote cast against him this season. But did either one of them belong in the final three? Did they play a better game than the returning players Wentworth, Joe, David, and Aubry?

The consensus among fans is that Devens played the best game of the season, and deserved to win. I definitely agree with the majority. But not everyone feels that way. And as we all know in Survivor, the best player doesn't always win the million dollar prize.

Was Chris a worthy winner? Debatable. I think he was more deserving than Gavin or Julie, but that was only because: #1 He won the final immunity challenge, and #2 He made the very bold move of giving up that immunity so he could face off against Devens in the fire making challenge. It was a very ballsy decision, and in the end it won him the title of sole survivor. But was he truly deserving? Sure, he suffered during his time on the edge of extinction. Everyone there did. But he didn't have to participate in challenges. He still had to play a social game, but it was different. He didn't have to blindside anyone or work with an alliance to make big moves. When he got back into the game, he was given an immunity idol that kept him safe so he could get to top 4. If he wasn't given that idol, he could have been voted out.

So the outcome wasn't to my liking, but I still enjoyed the season. There was a lot of heart and emotion in this season as well as grit and determination. Even though she had her annoying moments, I was especially impressed by Wendy. I will remember how she had the added difficulty of her Tourette's flaring up as she tried valiantly to get back into the game during the first edge of extinction challenge. She made the choice to quit after that challenge, but I don't fault her for that. Yes, she came very close to getting back in, but I think she realized her chances were slim against stronger players. I was also impressed by Aurora. She struggled during the season to find alliances, but she never stopped fighting. 

I am disappointed that Devens didn't win, but so happy that he won $100,000 from Sia, and earned mad respect from the legions of devoted Survivor fans.

And HOW COOL that David and Cochran, two of my all-time favorite players,  are both writing for Star Trek!! Love it!!

No matter the outcome of a particular season, I still enjoy the show.


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