Thursday, May 16, 2019

Survivor Finale: My Thoughts

I can sum up the ending in one word: Meh

The two hour episode and one hour reunion (actually it was a two and a half hour finale and half hour reunion) was quite good - exciting challenges, and Jeff made a concerted effort to talk to nearly everyone during the shorter-than-usual reunion.

As for the final three - that is the meh part for me. Gavin and Julie each won two challenges during the season, and Gavin has the bragging right of never having a vote cast against him this season. But did either one of them belong in the final three? Did they play a better game than the returning players Wentworth, Joe, David, and Aubry?

The consensus among fans is that Devens played the best game of the season, and deserved to win. I definitely agree with the majority. But not everyone feels that way. And as we all know in Survivor, the best player doesn't always win the million dollar prize.

Was Chris a worthy winner? Debatable. I think he was more deserving than Gavin or Julie, but that was only because: #1 He won the final immunity challenge, and #2 He made the very bold move of giving up that immunity so he could face off against Devens in the fire making challenge. It was a very ballsy decision, and in the end it won him the title of sole survivor. But was he truly deserving? Sure, he suffered during his time on the edge of extinction. Everyone there did. But he didn't have to participate in challenges. He still had to play a social game, but it was different. He didn't have to blindside anyone or work with an alliance to make big moves. When he got back into the game, he was given an immunity idol that kept him safe so he could get to top 4. If he wasn't given that idol, he could have been voted out.

So the outcome wasn't to my liking, but I still enjoyed the season. There was a lot of heart and emotion in this season as well as grit and determination. Even though she had her annoying moments, I was especially impressed by Wendy. I will remember how she had the added difficulty of her Tourette's flaring up as she tried valiantly to get back into the game during the first edge of extinction challenge. She made the choice to quit after that challenge, but I don't fault her for that. Yes, she came very close to getting back in, but I think she realized her chances were slim against stronger players. I was also impressed by Aurora. She struggled during the season to find alliances, but she never stopped fighting. 

I am disappointed that Devens didn't win, but so happy that he won $100,000 from Sia, and earned mad respect from the legions of devoted Survivor fans.

And HOW COOL that David and Cochran, two of my all-time favorite players,  are both writing for Star Trek!! Love it!!

No matter the outcome of a particular season, I still enjoy the show.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Game of Thrones - The Penultimate Episode - My Thoughts

Obligatory warning: SPOILERS AHEAD! Do NOT read if you have not watched the episode. 

I am not a Game of Thrones superfan.
I have not read the books.
I don't visit the fan sites.
So one could say I'm not qualified to write about the show.
But everyone is entitled to their thoughts and their feelings, and to express them.
So here goes.
I found the penultimate episode quite disappointing, for two main reasons.

#1 Daenerys becomes the mad queen.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
This season has been leading up to this.
But to see such a strong female character that so many fans loved and celebrated, believed in and rooted for, to see her slaughter an innocent population, including women and children, when she didn't have to - this just mystifies me. Why would the producers ruin one of the most important characters? Sure, some of it was satisfying and triumphant - Dani and her dragon taking out Euron (or so we thought) and the Red Keep, but to keep killing even when Cersei's army surrendered and the bells tolled - why? What was the point? To show that the loss of her second dragon and Missandei plus Jon and Tyrion's betrayal had rendered her mad with rage and grief? Doesn't this send a terrible message that women are too emotional and can't be effective leaders? I just don't get it, and I feel cheated, that the Daenerys we thought we knew is gone, and it is so difficult to celebrate her victory.

#2 Cersei's death (apparently)
One of the biggest speculations of the season would be who would kill Cersei, and how? There were several suspects - Jaime, Tyrion, Arya, Daenerys, the Hound, even Sansa and Brienne. It was Daenerys, if Cersei is actually dead, but it wasn't the face to face, satisfying demise we were waiting for, or maybe it was for some fans. Maybe Cersei and Jaime getting crushed as they were locked in an embrace was the conclusion people hoped for. Not me. I am not a fan of the violence of the show, but I have to admit I was waiting for her to be decapitated by Arya or strangled by Tyrion, or something like that. I even had a vision of Jaime shoving her out the tower, a la Bran. I wanted to see a single person wipe that perpetual smirk off her face. I most wanted it to be Tyrion. In a way, it made sense for the sibling lovers to die together. But I still think the fans were cheated - again.

The viewers were treated to two epic battles - the Hound vs the Mountain, and Euron vs Jaime. And we can be comforted by the fact that some of our favorite characters have survived, at least for now - Jon, Tyrion, Grey Worm, Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Sam, and Gilly. But within the celebration there are tinges of sadness and disappointment: Brienne the Gallant Knight became a sniveling, annoying cliche after sleeping with Jaime, and Grey Worm lost our respect when he continued the battle after Cersei's army laid down their swords.

I am very nervous for the final episode. I think there is a good chance that Daenerys will kill Tyrion - and that will absolutely devastate me. Yes, he betrayed her, but he was trying to avert carnage of innocent people - and he was trying to save his brother, the one person who was truly good to him.

What will happen in the final episode? Will everyone turn against Daenerys? Will Jon, the rightful heir, become the reluctant ruler of the Iron Throne? 

Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of fans who are so frustrated that they just don't care anymore. Perhaps Game of Thrones, the beloved and celebrated series, will go the way of Lost, St Elsewhere, and Battlestar Galactica by presenting finales that perplex, anger, and disappoint their legions of devoted fans.

