All last weekend.
I was offered sugar products three times, and I said yes every time.
I had been doing well. Except for fruit bars, I had not been eating sugary foods. I was drinking my protein shakes, and I was happy. Feeling good. I wasn't missing my sugary snacks like I thought I would.
But when I was offered sugar, I ate it with only a little hesitation. On Friday night, my friends that I was spending the weekend with brought me a chocolate milkshake from Sonic. We were having a late take-out dinner, and the milkshake was a beverage designed to keep me from getting too hungry before the food arrived. The fact that it was a pre-meal snack was helpful, because it meant I didn't drink the whole thing, so I wouldn't get too full. But damn, it was good. Too delicious.
Then I spent time with my mom over the weekend, and she gave me belated Valentine cookies. My mom is famous for her sugar cookies, and she makes them four times a year: for Hanukkah/Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and Halloween. She gives them to family, friends, co-workers, doctors and dentists. They are made with real butter and either sprinkles or icing, and they are truly sinful. I asked her to give me a small bag because I am trying to cut down on sugar. I ate three cookies last weekend. I guess it could have been worse. I could have consumed the whole bag.
So far at work I have walked away from multiple bags of candy. But the real test came on Monday, when someone brought in donuts. I had wondered if I would be able to resist donuts. I got my answer: a resounding NO! Well, maybe I would have, but a co-worker brought me one because I didn't know they were there. And I couldn't be rude and say no, right? I couldn't tell her to take it away after she had been so kind to think of me. But really...I would have run right over and taken one myself if I had known about them. I think there would have been very little hesitation. It was a busy, stressful day, and I wolfed that thing down like I had been wandering in the desert for a week.
But since then I've been back on track. I had protein shakes on Monday night and last night. I still need to find a substitute for the fruit bars. But I feel like I'm back on the wagon. I'm not too upset with myself. I never claimed I was giving up sugar entirely. I know there will be times when I eat something sugary. I think I'm just upset that it happened four days in a row. But still, cutting down on sugar has been easier than I expected.
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