Friday, July 30, 2010


I think its interesting how your taste buds change as you get older. I have never been a very good fruit eater. I like bananas and I like cantaloupe and watermelon, but I don't eat any fruit consistently. On a rare occasion I'll eat a few strawberries. I seriously disliked orange juice and oranges. I would eat fruit cocktail as a kid but that was about it. And I thought it was gross to eat fruit with protein like chicken or fish.

Now I find myself experimenting a bit more with food, including fruit. I really like orange juice now. Last night I ate tuna salad with a small bowl of canned peaches on the side...and it was good! I really liked the combination of flavors, the saltiness of the tuna with the sweetness of the peaches.

Did I just sound like a judge on "Top Chef"? LOL

A silly thing to blog about? Perhaps. But I'm trying to be more consistent with my blogging. To share my thoughts and observations - about everything from politics to food, and stuff in between. :)

Not a very thought-provoking post, I agree. But did it make you hungry? :)


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