Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Brief History

See, the problem is, when I was younger, I was convinced I couldn't do much. In fact, I believed I SHOULDN'T do much. I was weak, I was disabled, it was dangerous for me to overdo. So to make sure I didn't overdo, I "underdid." Plus it helped that I had a mother who felt she had to overprotect me and do everything for me. Before I knew it I was 28 years old, living in my own apartment for the first time, and I barely knew how to do anything. I had very limited experience with cooking, shopping, and managing my own money. I had never done my own laundry. I was tweny-five when I took my first out of town bus trip by myself, and that was just to visit family. When I was faced with something I didn't know how to do, all I had to do was ask my mother to do it for me. Actually, I rarely even had to ask. She would already know, and just do it for me.

But now I'm learning what a good feeling it is to do for myself, and to figure things out for myself. Its qute a high for me. I'm also learning that within good reason, its good for me to be active. Yes, I do need rest, but the more I use my muscles, again within reason, the better my physical and respiratory health will be. And its true, thanks to certain medications and other medical interventions, I am accomplishing more in a day than I ever thought possible. And that feels GREAT! But again, the problem is balance. How much, how often, for how long? And what activities should I focus on? What are some things that I'm doing that it would be healthier for me to give up and let someone else do? What are some daily activities that I can give up control over for my health?

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