Get a massage.
Find the money...find the time...find somebody...and get a massage.
Massage benefits body and mind.
Find a way and go get one. Most people view massage as a luxury. For me it is becoming a part of my wellness routine. Especially if you suffer from chronic pain, massage should be a part of your life.
I know I said find somebody a second ago, but its true, you do need someone who knows what they're doing. I'll try to post some links later. Luckily, I know someone who knows what they're doing. I had a massage yesterday, and I am a different person today. Calmer especially. Better concentration too.
A tip within a tip:
If you get a massage, particularly a deep muscle or deep tissue massage...BE SURE TO DRINK SEVERAL GLASSES OF WATER AFTER. Fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of liquid are good ideas as well, such as tomatoes or melons.
The reason is that when you have a massage, toxins are released from your muscles when they are massaged. Its important to flush out those toxins. The first time I had a massage, I did not listen to this directive, and I was sick for two days. I mean in bed sick; I felt like I had the flu. I was sick to my stomach, I was weak, and I hurt all over. Every time since then, I have consumed at least three 8-ounce glasses of water post-massage. None of the massages have made me ill since that first one. And this was no small feat for me, because I used to be a non-water drinker. The only time I would drink water would be if it was the only source of liquid wherever I was and I was desperately thirsty. Otherwise, I would just be thirsty.
I have now graduated to the ability of sucking down a glass of room temperature tap water when necessary. If I can do it, I bet you can.
So quit reading. Go get a massage! And don't forget the water!
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