But it was not a sad situation.
I was happy. And relieved.
I won't leave you in suspense any longer.
Oliver was my oxygen concentrator.
Yes...I name my assistive devices.
I'm not the only one.
I've used oxygen with my bipap previously. Then my doctor adjusts the settings on the bipap, periodically runs tests and requests bloodwork, and when my numbers are satisfactory, I can say bye bye to the oxygen.
I know there could be another oxygen concentrator in my future.
For now, I'll revel in:
One less piece of medical equipment
More space in my room
No piercing alarm when I turned Oliver on every night.
Oliver was helpful beyond providing breathing support.
His ironic gasps and wheezes covered up noises like loud neighbors and nocturnal thunderstorms.
Luckily I am not the super light sleeper that I used to be.
Oliver and I co-habited just fine.
I said a silent goodbye as the technician wheeled Oliver out.
Thank you for your service Oliver.
Now you are off to a new home, to help someone else.