Sunday, May 26, 2024

Survivor Finale - My Thoughts - SPOILERS!

I was moderately happy with the finale of Survivor Season 46.

I am happy for Kenzie. I liked her all season. I still think Charlie deserved the win as far as game play, but Kenzie beat the boys in the final Tribal Council. She played a fantastic social game, won two challenges, and made fire. That makes her worthy in my estimation. 

I am happy for Ben that he make it to the finale, and it was nice to see him win a challenge. I think Ben owes a lot to Kenzie. She got him through many nights as he struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. If the vote had been tied and Ben would have had to break it, I think he should have chosen Kenzie. 

Charlie looked devastated; I admired his grace and the way he accepted the situation. I'm not sure which hurt more - the fact that he lost, or that Maria voted for Kenzie. Intellectually I understand her decision - emotionally, I don't. 

Most of all, I am happy that Liz that did not make it to the end. I could say more...but I won't. 

Thank you, Season 46.  It was a highly entertaining season. I loved Tevin and Soda's camp songs, and Maria and Charlie dancing on the beach. I celebrated with Q, Tiff, and Kenzie when Yanu FINALLY broke their losing streak. It was a season of blind sides and people getting their torches snuffed with idols in their pockets. Season 47 will be here before we know it!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Survivor Finale: My Predictions

Who WILL win?

Who SHOULD win?

Who do I WANT to win?

I'll answer the second question first.

In my opinion, either Maria or Charlie should win. They both have several wins. They have both made big moves. They have both played good social games. I will give Maria an edge in the big moves category, and Charlie an edge in the social game category. Either of them would be a worthy winner.

Now for the third question: Who do I want to win?

My parchment would say Charlie. But I will not be disappointed if Maria gets the win. I like them both. 

Now for the first question: Who will win?

There's too much game left to know. What I will predict is that the final Tribal Council will not have both Maria and Charlie in it. If Maria does not win the next immunity challenge, she is likely out. If she wins, then Charlie could be out. The friendship is still there I think, but the alliance is dead.

I like Kenzie and Ben, but I don't think either one of them deserves to win. If both Maria and Charlie are out though, then one of them will win, and my guess would be Kenzie. I love Kenzie for getting Ben through his anxiety and panic during his time on the island.

No comment on Liz.

Enjoy the show Survivor fans!



Sunday, May 12, 2024

Article: Fourteen Ways to Tell Someone You're Not Okay

How many times has someone - family member, friend, co-worker, stranger - asked you "How are you?" and your response has been "fine" or "okay"?

We all do it.

It is the standard response. 

How many times is it the truth? 

What can you say instead?

What you say can depend on many factors:

Who you are talking to.

How much you want to reveal, or not reveal.

How much time you have.

Your environment.

And other factors. 

Being honest about how you are feeling can help you process your emotions and feel better. 

But if you don't feel comfortable with the person, or the time and circumstances don't feel right, then the response and non-verbal cues you receive could make you wish you had just said "fine". 

This article provides helpful ideas on what you can say when you do want to talk about it and when you don't want to talk about it, depending on who are talking to (friends and family versus strangers). 

Hard times happen to everyone. 

Having a support system can be very beneficial.

And sometimes you can find support in places and people that you don't expect. 

When you choose to be vulnerable, you give people the opportunity to help. 

Plus, you might find that others are going through similar circumstances. 

Your journey could be an inspiration to someone else.

And their road could be a pathway for you. 

Also, for more information on how to get support, visit the "Turn To" site from Texas Health & Human Services: 

If you are in crisis, call or text 988 or for chat:
