I was moderately happy with the finale of Survivor Season 46.
I am happy for Kenzie. I liked her all season. I still think Charlie deserved the win as far as game play, but Kenzie beat the boys in the final Tribal Council. She played a fantastic social game, won two challenges, and made fire. That makes her worthy in my estimation.
I am happy for Ben that he make it to the finale, and it was nice to see him win a challenge. I think Ben owes a lot to Kenzie. She got him through many nights as he struggled with anxiety and panic attacks. If the vote had been tied and Ben would have had to break it, I think he should have chosen Kenzie.
Charlie looked devastated; I admired his grace and the way he accepted the situation. I'm not sure which hurt more - the fact that he lost, or that Maria voted for Kenzie. Intellectually I understand her decision - emotionally, I don't.
Most of all, I am happy that Liz that did not make it to the end. I could say more...but I won't.
Thank you, Season 46. It was a highly entertaining season. I loved Tevin and Soda's camp songs, and Maria and Charlie dancing on the beach. I celebrated with Q, Tiff, and Kenzie when Yanu FINALLY broke their losing streak. It was a season of blind sides and people getting their torches snuffed with idols in their pockets. Season 47 will be here before we know it!