Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 Episode 9/1 SPOILERS

Okay, two things puzzle me about last night's noms...

I can understand T'Kor being upset about Quinn putting Kimo on the block. The three are supposed to be in an alliance. 

But T'Kor being mad about Rubina going up? Rubina is Tucker's girlfriend. Quinn isn't aligned with her. And Quinn told T'Kor he was doing it and she said that made sense.

But on the other hand, I think Quinn should have nominated Joseph instead of Kimo. Joseph had a final two with Tucker. He was loyal to Tucker. If you're nominating Tucker's girlfriend, wouldn't you nominate his man friend too? 

Hopefully all will be right in the Universe on Thursday, and Angela will walk out that front door. 🙏 


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