Saturday, September 14, 2024

Health Tip #1: Mindful Eating

Today is the first post in a new series for this blog: Health Tips. 

I do research in my job pertaining to disabilities and conditions. 

I read articles, watch webinars, and learn about health and safety for people with disabilities and older adults. 

If what I write about helps at least one person, then I will feel good. 

Much of what I have learned about I am endeavoring to do in my own life. 

Creating healthy habits takes time, patience, and dedication. 

Today the topic is mindful eating. 

Here is an article on mindful eating:

At it's core, mindful eating is about eating slowly and without distraction. 

It can help you enjoy your food, aid in your digestion, and limit overeating. 

I was born into a family of fast eaters. My family does not eat their food - they inhale it. I am always the last one at the table. In fact, sometimes family members are starting on their dessert while I'm still eating my main meal. This used to bother me when I was younger. I don't get upset now. I actually eat faster than I used to. 

When I eat alone, I tend to watch a show, or scroll through the Internet or social media. But I have noticed that when I do this, I don't enjoy my food as much. I'm not paying attention to what I'm eating. Sometimes I even look at recipes while I am eating! Afterward, I say to myself, "Why did I do that?"

So lately I am practicing mindful eating. And I am enjoying it. Mindful eating doesn't have to take a long time. It simply involves focusing on the taste of the food and enjoying the experience. I am cooking more than I used to, so I want to fully experience the smell, the taste, the look of the food that I prepared. I am also working on healthier, more balanced meals that look nice. For example, a homemade quesadilla with eggs, spinach or avocado, tomatoes, and cheese, and a side of blueberries is a healthy, filling, and tasty breakfast that looks attractive too. And it doesn't take a long time to prepare.  


Big Brother Season 26 Episode 9/12 SPOILERS!

 I didn't get to watch Thursday's episode until Friday. 

My Friday the 13th was fine - until Quinn walked out the front door. :(

Really Chelsie? You're going to believe something that Karen - I mean Angela - told you? 

I mean, yes, Quinn was a schemer. Angela could have been telling the truth. But she wasn't. And I think Quinn was right that breaking up the three person alliance would have been a good plan. 

So strange though - Angela planted a seed, got Quinn put up on the block, and then she voted for him to stay?!?! If Cam had not flipped, the vote would have been tied. I don't know what Chelsie would have done. 

Cedric and Quinn are my favorites. I like Kimo too. I hope one of them wins favorite houseguest, but it will probably be Tucker. 


Sunday, September 08, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 9/5 Episode SPOILERS

So Leah finally starts playing - by saving Angela?!?! Arrrggg!!!

I was okay with Joseph leaving. For me, he is a strange man that played a strange game. A super fan who threw competitions and was a follower? And he puts himself in a league with Dr. Will? Uh-uh.

But there sure were a lot of tears during the vote and eviction. These houseguests have bonded.

Quinn is still my favorite. He is playing a super fan's game. But I fear his HOH reign was quite detrimental. He burned his visionaries alliance with T'Kor and Kimo, and of course Angela and Rubina will come after him if they win HOH. Leah went against him by using the POV. Makensy is a maybe. Chelsie or Cam HAVE to win HOH. Or maybe some of these bridges can be repaired. 

Anything can happen in the BB house.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 Episode 9/1 SPOILERS

Okay, two things puzzle me about last night's noms...

I can understand T'Kor being upset about Quinn putting Kimo on the block. The three are supposed to be in an alliance. 

But T'Kor being mad about Rubina going up? Rubina is Tucker's girlfriend. Quinn isn't aligned with her. And Quinn told T'Kor he was doing it and she said that made sense.

But on the other hand, I think Quinn should have nominated Joseph instead of Kimo. Joseph had a final two with Tucker. He was loyal to Tucker. If you're nominating Tucker's girlfriend, wouldn't you nominate his man friend too? 

Hopefully all will be right in the Universe on Thursday, and Angela will walk out that front door. 🙏 


Sunday, September 01, 2024

Big Brother Season 26 8/29 Episode SPOILERS

Ah the mighty have fallen...

The house was absolutely right in getting Tucker out when they had the chance.

There are still lots of strategic, entertaining houseguests playing the game.

But Tucker sure was fun to watch.

I hope he'll be considered for an All Stars season.

But Tucker's elimination means that Angela is STILL in the house.

Manipulative, whiny, chaos -creating in a cringeworthy way Angela.

If she takes credit for instigating Tucker's elimination, I might throw my phone.

Chelsie and Quinn get those points. And T'Kor for putting Tucker up as a pawn.

Tucker irritated me sometimes. He was cocky. He sulked when he didn't get his way. 

But I was very impressed with his loyalty to Angela, even when she betrayed him.

And he accepted a punishment so T'Kor could get money, even after she put him on the block.

Tucker is a stand up guy.
I'm glad America rewarded him for his efforts as the AI Instigator.
